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Lecture/ Practice Date Topic Lecturer Materials Notes Feedback / discuss
1. 19.2 Recap: linear classifiers, linear regression, logistic regression, loss function, empirical risk minimisation, regularisation BF slides thread
20.2 (no lab) -
2. 26.2 Artificial neurons, activation functions, network architectures; sidestep: stochastic neurons; sidestep: biological neurons BF slides thread
27.2 Lab1: generative vs. discriminative learning I BF task model due 9.04
3. 4.3 Neural networks as classifiers, empirical risk minimisation, loss functions, model complexity and generalisation bounds; neural networks as nonlinear regression models BF slides thread
5.3 Seminar BF problems
Reading: generalization bounds, VC dimension, large margin: (J. Mount), (V. V. V’yugin, Theorem 6.8)
4. 25.3 Backpropagation AS slides
bbb mp4
26.3 Lab2: generative vs. discriminative learning II BF assignment template record 9:00 due 7.05 thread
5. 1.4 Stochastic Gradient Descent AS slides
bbb mp4
2.4 Seminar AS problems
Reading: Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training Y. Bengio
6. 8.4 Convolutional Neural Networks AS slides
bbb mp4
9.4 No meeting – Friday schedule -
7. 15.4 Training neural networks 0: project pipeline, data collection, training/validation/test set, model selection (architecture), overfitting, early stopping BF slides
bbb mp4
16.4 Lab3: PyTorch, training pipeline AS assignment
due 21.05
8. 22.4 Training neural networks 1: Data augmentation, Weight initialisation, Batch normalisation BF slides
bbb mp4
23.4 Seminar AS problems thread
9. 29.4 Training neural networks 2: Adaptive SGD methods AS slides
bbb mp4
30.4 Lab4: Pretrained CNN Finetuning AS task due 28.05
Reading: Overview of GD Optimization, Mirror Descent
10. 6.5 Training neural networks 3: L2 weight regularization, dropout, and a bit beyond AS slides
bbb mp4
7.5 Seminar AS problems
11. 13.5 Training neural networks 4: adversarial patterns, robust learning approaches BF slides
bbb mp4
14.5 Lab5: Network visualisation, adversarial patterns BF assignment
due 11.06
12. 20.5 Generative models: VAE, GANs (introductory level) BF slides
bbb mp4
21.5 Lab6: Generative networks (optional/bonus lab) BF assignment
submit before 18.6.
13 27.5 Supervised representation and similarity learning Giorgos Tolias slides
bbb mp4
28.5 Seminar BF problems
14. 3.6 Recurrent neural networks: recurrent back-propagation, RNN, GRU, LSTM BF slides
4.6 (no lab)
courses/bev033dle/lectures.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/02 22:02 by flachbor