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Lectures are delivered by Matej Hoffmann.

Location and time: E301 (Charles Square), Tuesdays, 12:45-14:15.

PDF of the slides will be posted on this page after each lecture.

Books and online resources will be referenced throughout the lectures - typically on the last lecture slide.

Lecture plan

date week nr. content
21.02.2023 1 Rules of the game (grading, assignments, etc.). Humanoid robots - motivation and history. hro1_2023_motivationhistory.pdf
28.02.2023 2 Humanoids - Design, Forward kinematics, Closed-form inverse kinematics. hro2_2023_kinematics_i.pdf
7.03.2023 3 Humanoids - Differential Kinematics, Inverse diff. kinematics, Singularities, Manipulability, Gaze control. hro3_2023_kinematics_ii.pdf
14.03.2023 4 Live demos @ Humanoids lab (E210) (meet at E301, 12:45)
21.03.2023 5 Multimodal sensing and self-calibration. hro5_2023_multimodalsensing.pdf
28.03.2023 6 Grasping. hro6_2023_grasping.pdf
04.04.2023 7 Humanoids walking hro7_2023_walking_intromh.pdf - Guest lecture by Prof. Sergej Celikovsky.hro7_2023_walking_celikovsky.pdf
11.04.2023 8 Human-Robot Interaction - Introduction.hro8_2023_hri_intro.pdf
18.04.2023 9 Physical Human-Robot Interaction I. Legislation and standards. Speed and separation monitoring. hro9_2023_phri.pdf
25.04.2023 10 Physical Human-Robot Interaction II. Human injury. Impact modeling. Power and force limiting.hro10_2023_phri_ii.pdf
02.05.2023 11 Social Human-Robot Interaction I.hro11_2023_socialhri.pdf
9.05.2022 (12) No lecture (Monday schedule).
16.05.2022 13 Social Human-Robot Interaction II. hro13_2023_socialhri_ii.pdf
23.05.2023 14 Embodied AI, baby humanoids, learning brain-like robot body models. Final exam discussion. hro_14_2023_embodiedintelligence_brainlikebodymodels.pdf
courses/hro/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/23 14:55 by hoffmmat