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Self-Contained Multisensorial Calibration


If you don't have Matlab, you can install it from CTU download page. For lsqnonlin, you also need to install the Optimization toolbox and Symbolic toolbox (all is included in the campus-wide license). If you do not want to install anything, you can use Matlab online. However, you still need to activate your Mathworks account as described on CTU download page. There are instructions in this PDF or go straight to Connect page and connect your MathWorks account with CTU license.

There is no hardware acceleration support in Matlab Online, so some 3D plots may be slow.

lsqnonlin library - Matlab documentation

Numeric methods textbook - OPT webpage

Matlab scripts for LM algorithm - Gitlab

courses/hro/tutorials/3calibration.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/22 14:18 by rustlluk