Lectures 2025

Lectures take place every Monday from 11:00-12:30 in KN:E-107.

Week Date Lecturer Block Topics Presentations
1 17.02.2025 KZ INTRO Introduction: course organization, prerequisites and problem definition 00_aro_outline.pdf
LOL lecture_01_recording
2 24.02.2025 KZ PERCEPTION MODELING How to fuse almost anything: Localization and factor graphs
3 03.03.2025 KZ PERCEPION MODELING Where the hell am I, and where is the stuff around me? SLAM in SE(2) with (i) measurement models of 2D/3D marker detectors, UWB, GPS/GNSS, odometry, and (ii) differential drive motion model
4 10.03.2025 KZ PERCEPTION MODELING Can I build a map without markers? SLAM with lidar and camera and its efficient optimization on SE(2)/SE(3) manifolds (Absolute orientation, Camera localization/calibration, Levenberg-Marquardt)
5 17.03.2025 KZ PERCEPTION OPTIMIZATION Do I really need to remember all that stuff forever? Kalman filter
6 24.03.2025 KZ PERCEPTION OPTIMIZATION Maximum aposteriori estimate in real-time: Extended Kalman filter, Gauss_newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, Trust region methods
7 31.03.2025 KZ PERCEPTION OPTIMIZATION Beyond normal distributions: Robust regression + RANSAC, Non-parametric pdfs with Bayes filter
Learning in robotics: Advanced optional lecture that assumes prior knowledge of deep-learning concepts.
8 7.04.2025 VV PLANNING Exploration, introduction to motion planning
9 14.04.2025 VV PLANNING Combinatorial motion planning
10 21.04.2025 - —- Easter holidays —-
11 28.04.2025 VV PLANNING Sampling-based motion planning I
12 05.05.2025 VV PLANNING Sampling-based motion planning II
13 12.05.2025 VV PLANNING Sampling-based motion planning III
14 19.05.2025 VV PLANNING Data structures for motion planning

Recordings of particular lectures are available here.

OLD Lectures 2024

Lectures take place every Monday from 11:00-12:30 in KN:E-107.

Week Date Lecturer Topics Presentations
1 19.02.2024 KZ Introduction: course organization, prerequisites and problem definition 00_aro_outline.pdf
LOL lecture_01_recording
2 26.02.2024 KZ How to fuse almost anything: Localization and factor graphs 00_localization_mle.pdf
LOL lecture_02_recording
3 04.03.2024 KZ Where the hell am I, and where is the stuff around me? SLAM in SE(2) with (i) measurement models of 2D/3D marker detectors, UWB, GPS/GNSS, odometry, and (ii) differential drive motion model 00_localization_se2.pdf
LOL lect_03_recording
4 11.03.2024 KZ How can I find myself without markers? SLAM with lidar and camera and its efficient optimization on SE(2)/SE(3) manifolds (Absolute orientation, Camera localization/calibration, Levenberg-Marquardt) 00_absolute_orientation.pdf
5 18.03.2024 KZ Do I really need to remember all that stuff forever? Kalman filter 00_kf.pdf
6 25.03.2024 KZ Maximum aposteriori estimate in real-time: Extended Kalman filter, Gauss_newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, Trust region methods 01_ekf.pdf
7 01.04.2024 - —- Easter holidays —-
8 8.04.2024 VV Exploration, introduction to motion planning 2024-exploration.pdf,
LOL Videos
9 15.04.2024 KZ Beyond normal distributions: Robust regression + RANSAC, Non-parametric pdfs with Bayes filter
Learning in robotics: Advanced optional lecture that assumes prior knowledge of deep-learning concepts.
LOL lec_09_recording
10 22.04.2024 VV Combinatorial motion planning 2024-planning-combinatorial.pdf Videos
11 29.05.2024 VV Sampling-based motion planning I 2024-planning-samplingi.pdf
12 06.05.2024 VV Sampling-based motion planning II 2024-planning-samplingii.pdf
13 13.05.2024 VV Sampling-based motion planning III 2024-planning-samplingiii.pdf, 2024-planning-mppi.pdf
14 20.05.2024 VV Data structures for motion planning 2024-planning-datastructures.pdf

Recordings of particular lectures are available here.


http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~zimmerk Karel Zimmermann (KZ) is the main lecturer and associate professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague. He worked as postdoctoral researcher with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2008-2009) in the group of prof Luc van Gool. His current H-index is 13 (google-scholar) and he serves as a reviewer for major journals such as TPAMI or IJCV and conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, IROS. He received the best lecturer award in 2018, the best reviewer award at CVPR 2011 and the best PhD work award in 2008. His journal paper has been selected among 14 best research works representing Czech Technical University in the government evaluation process (RIV). Since 2010 he has been chair of Antonin Svoboda Award (http://svobodovacena.cz). He was also with the Technological Education Institute of Crete (2001), with the Technical University of Delft (2002), with the University of Surrey (2006). His current research interests include learnable methods for robotics.

http://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/people/vonasek Vojta Vonásek (VV) is the second lecturer and PostDoc researcher at the Department of Cybernetics. He spent one year at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) at the institut IAR/IPR. He was a post-doc researcher at the Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany within German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) post-doc programme in 2017. He serves as the reviewer for robotic journals (Autonomous Robots, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, International Journal of Automation and Computing, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, ..) and many conferences. His research interests include path and motion planning, automatic learning of locomotion gaits of modular robots and application of motion planning techniques in computational biochemistry.

courses/aro/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/05 16:59 by peckama2