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Ing. Karel Kočí


Email: cynerd@email.cz

Room: KN:E-7a

Homepage : https://github.com/Cynerd

OpenHub: kocikare

Company: https://www.elektroline.cz/

Professional experience

His diploma theses Graphical CPU Simulator with Cache Visualization has provided new fuel to Computer Architectures course teaching. The project QtMips is used on multiple faculties to teach basic computer architectures courses.

He works as head of embedded development of the Elektroline company. His division builds hardware and firmware components for trams depots control (GNU/Linux, NuttX, SIL3 systems based on Ti Hercules MCUs). Other divisions provide complete system from PLCs, switch points mechanics up dispatchers centers, visualization, lines scheduling etc.

He worked as technical head of software (GNU/Linux user-space, kernel and automatic updates) development to support Turris open source and hardware router by https://www.nic.cz/ and contributes to the project still.


Negotiate by e-mail.

courses/b35apo/teacher/kocikare/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/09 15:18 by pisa