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import base as Base
import copy, random, time, math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# Player template for HIVE --- ALP semestral work
# Vojta Vonasek, 2023
class Spider:
    def __init__(self, p,q, parent = None):
        self.p = p
        self.q = q
        self.parent = parent
        self.path = []
class Player(Base.Board):
    def __init__(self, playerName, myIsUpper, size, myPieces, rivalPieces):  #do not change this line
        Base.Board.__init__(self, myIsUpper, size, myPieces, rivalPieces)    #do not change this line
        self.playerName = playerName
        self.algorithmName = "myGreatMethod"
    def getAllEmptyCells(self):
        result = []
        for p in self.board:
            for q in self.board[p]:
                if self.isEmpty(p,q, self.board):
                    result.append( [p,q] )                        
        return result
    def getAllNonemptyCells(self):                    
        result = []
        for p in self.board:
            for q in self.board[p]:
                if not self.isEmpty(p,q, self.board):
                    result.append( [p,q] )                        
        return result
    def move(self):
        """ return [animal, oldP, oldQ, newP, newQ], or [animal, None, None, newP, newQ] or [] """
        #the following code just randomly places (ignoring all the rules) some random figure at the board
        emptyCells = self.getAllEmptyCells()
        if len(emptyCells) == 0:
            return []
        randomCell = emptyCells[ random.randint(0, len(emptyCells)-1) ]
        randomP, randomQ = randomCell
        for animal in self.myPieces:
            if self.myPieces[animal] > 0: #is this animal still available? if so, let's place it
                return [ animal, None, None, randomP, randomQ ]
        #all animals are places, let's move some randomly (again, while ignoring all rules)
        allFigures = self.getAllNonemptyCells()
        randomCell = allFigures[ random.randint(0, len(allFigures)-1) ]
        randomFigureP, randomFigureQ = randomCell
        #determine which animal is at randomFigureP, randomFigureQ
        animal = self.board[ randomFigureP ][ randomFigureQ ][-1]   # [-1] means the last letter
        return [animal, randomFigureP, randomFigureQ, randomP, randomQ ]
    def canSlide(self, board, p,q, lp, lq):
        #p,q is abs, lp,lq is local
        slidingNeighbors = {}
        slidingNeighbors[ (1,0) ] = [ [1,-1],[0,1] ]
        slidingNeighbors[ (1,-1) ] = [ [1,0],[0,-1] ]
        slidingNeighbors[ (0,-1) ] = [ [1,-1],[-1,0] ]
        slidingNeighbors[ (-1,0) ] = [ [0,-1],[-1,1] ]
        slidingNeighbors[ (-1,1) ] = [ [-1,0],[0,1] ]
        slidingNeighbors[ (0,1) ] = [ [-1,1],[1,0] ]
        newp, newq = p+lp, q+lq
        if self.inBoard(newp, newq) and self.isEmpty(newp, newq, board):
            for neighbor in slidingNeighbors[ (lp,lq) ]:
                np, nq = neighbor
                if self.inBoard(p+np, q+nq) and \
                   self.isEmpty(p+np, q+nq, board):
                    return True
        return False
    def spiderMoves(self, p,q, board):
        result = []
        N = [ [1,-1], [1,0],[0,1],[-1,1],[-1,0],[0,-1] ]
        start = Spider(p,q)
        start.path = [ [p,q ] ]
        queue = [ start ]
        while len(queue) > 0:
            actual = queue.pop()
            #actual.p, actual.q
            if len(actual.path) == 4:
                result.append( actual.path )
            for neighbor in N:
                lp, lq = neighbor
                if self.canSlide(self.board, actual.p,actual.q, lp, lq):
                    newp, newq = actual.p+lp,actual.q + lq
                    if not [newp, newq] in actual.path:
                        newState = Spider(newp, newq, actual)
                        newState.path = copy.deepcopy(actual.path) + [[newp, newq ]]
                        queue.insert(0, newState)
        return result
    def testSpider(self):
        self.board[1][6] = "S"
        moves = self.spiderMoves(1,6, self.board)
        frame = 0
        for move in moves:
            HL = {}
            for pos in move:
                p,q = pos
                HL[ (p,q) ] = "#000F00"
            self.saveImage("spider"+str(frame)+".png", HL=HL)
            frame += 1
    def test(self):
        self.board[1][6] = "Q"
        self.board[2][5] = "S"
        self.board[1][7] = "S"
        N = [ [1,-1], [1,0],[0,1],[-1,1],[-1,0],[0,-1] ]
        frame = 0
        p,q = 1,6
        HL = {}
        for neighbor in N:
            lp, lq = neighbor
            if self.canSlide(self.board, p,q, lp, lq):
                self.board[ p+lp][ q+lq] = "q"
                HL[ (p+lp,q+lq) ] = "#00FF00"
                self.saveImage("canSlide" + str(frame) + ".png", HL=HL)
                self.board[ p+lp][ q+lq] = ""
                frame += 1
def updatePlayers(move, activePlayer, passivePlayer):
    """ write move made by activePlayer player
        this method assumes that all moves are correct, no checking is made
    if len(move) == 0:
    animal, p,q, newp, newq = move
    if p == None and q == None:
        #placing new animal
        passivePlayer.rivalPieces = activePlayer.myPieces.copy()
        #just moving animal
        #delete its old position
        activePlayer.board[p][q] = activePlayer.board[p][q][:-1]
        passivePlayer.board[p][q] = passivePlayer.board[p][q][:-1]
    activePlayer.board[newp][newq] += animal
    passivePlayer.board[newp][newq] += animal
if __name__ == "__main__":
    boardSize = 13
    smallFigures = { "q":1, "a":2, "b":2, "s":2, "g":2 }  #key is animal, value is how many is available for placing
    bigFigures = { figure.upper(): smallFigures[figure] for figure in smallFigures } #same, but with upper case
    P1 = Player("player1", False, 13, smallFigures, bigFigures)
    P2 = Player("player2", True, 13, bigFigures, smallFigures)
    filename = "begin.png"
    moveIdx = 0
    while True:
        move = P1.move()
        print("P1 returned", move)
        updatePlayers(move, P1, P2)  #update P1 and P2 according to the move
        filename = "move-{:03d}-player1.png".format(moveIdx) 
        move = P2.move()
        print("P2 returned", move)
        updatePlayers(move, P2, P1) #update P2 and P1 according to the move
        filename = "move-{:03d}-player2.png".format(moveIdx)
        moveIdx += 1
        P1.myMove = moveIdx
        P2.myMove = moveIdx
        if moveIdx > 50:
            print("End of the test game")

courses/b3b33alp/cviceni/faq/spiderdraft.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 16:05 by vonasvoj