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Voxelize (and VoxCAD)

If you like simulations of physical systems, you can consider this topic where you should use the computational library Voxelize implemented in C++:

The results obtained by this library formed the basis for the now famous Xenobots, living robots artificially made from frog cells.

We have not tested the library. In this task you will have to explore the library and its possibilities by yourself. The evaluation will thus be less standard.

The task

If you succeed to install and successfully work with the library, you can define a lot of optimization tasks on top of that. You can e.g. construct a configuration of 4 types cubes:

  1. empty cube (no material)
  2. solid cube (non-elastic material)
  3. elastic cube 1 (it increases and decreases its volume according to a given “signal”)
  4. elastic cube 2 (it decreases and increases its volume according to a given “signal”, in counterphase to the previous material)

Each object built from these cubes can be physically simulated. The task can then be to evolve an object that will travel the largest distance in a given time.

If you would like to choose this topic, inform us in advance to discuss the details. We have to approve the particular topic in advance!

courses/a0m33eoa/semestral_tasks/vox/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/20 12:32 by xposik