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A0M33EOA - Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms

Evolutionary algorithms are stochastic optimization techniques, originally inspired by nature. The goal of this course is to introduce this class of optimization algorithms, including the issues that must be solved when applying them and their solutions. During the lectures, various kinds of evolutionary algorithms will be presented, including the application areas. During the computer labs, students will implement their own evolutionary algorithms to solve more complex optimization problems.

Basic info

Teaching in Winter Semester 2022/23 :

  • Web pages of the course (which you are currently looking at) are hosted on CourseWare. Here you will find all the important info regarding the course.
  • The course is ready to be taught in English. It can be taught in Czech, if all students agree (but the web page and study materials remain in English).
  • The homeworks and semestral tasks shall be submitted via BRUTE. The relevant deadlines can always be found in BRUTE.
  • The semester starts in regular contact form. Shall we switch to online mode, we shall use BigBlueButton (BBB) app integrated in BRUTE. You do not need to install anything, BBB runs in web browser. If you would like to join the teaching actively (including voice and video), we suggest to get a headset with microphone, and a webcam (if your notebook is not already equipped with it).

The course brings you 6 ECTS credits. Each week, you should devote 2 hours to lectures, 2 hours to excercises, and 5 to 6 hours to homeworks, etc.!

courses/a0m33eoa/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/19 16:05 by xposik