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Tutorials plan 2020/2021

Lecture Date (Mo/EN) Date (We/CZ) Lecturer Contents Assignments Feedback form
1. 15/2 17/2 Michaela Urbanovská STRIPS, FDR Presentation
2. 22/2 24/2 Michaela Urbanovská PDDL / Assignment 1 handout Presentation
3. 1/3 3/3 Michaela Urbanovská Relaxation heuristics Presentation
4. 8/3 10/3 Michaela Urbanovská Landmark heuristics Presentation , LM-Cut
5. 15/3 17/3 Michaela Urbanovská LP based heuristics Presentation , LP-based heuristics
6. 22/3 24/3 Michaela Urbanovská Neural planning, exercises Presentation
7. 29/3 31/3 Michaela Urbanovská Assignment 1 Consultations, exercises Presentation
8. 5/4 7/4 Michaela Urbanovská Consultations
9. 12/4 14/4 Michaela Urbanovská, Jan Mrkos Abstraction heuristics, Intro to MDPs Assignment #2
10. 19/4 21/4 Jan Mrkos Value Iteration and Friends feedback
11. 26/4 28/4 Jan Mrkos VI continued, STN Example feedback
12. 3/5 5/5 Jan Mrkos UCT Examples feedback
13. 10/5 12/5 Jan Mrkos Assignment 2 Consultations feedback
14. 17/5 19/5 Jan Mrkos Applications, revision, Assignment 2 deadline follows

Notes on the Classical Planning part: notes-cp.pdf (updated 7. 4. 2020)

Notes on the Probabilistic planning tutorials: tutorial_slides_2018.pdf

English vs. Czech

  • The first tutorial (Mo 12:45-14:15, K-310) will be held in English (unless all students present are ok with Czech)
  • The second tutorial (We 14:30-16:00, K-311) will be held in Czech


  • Pre-built for 64bit Ubuntu
  • Including sources (you may build them yourself)
  • Download the source code and switch to the right branch (ipc-2018-seq-opt for optimal track, ipc-2018-seq-sat for satisficing track)
  • Build the Singularity image: sudo singularity build planner.img path/to/Singularity
  • Run it with PDDL files: singularity run -C -H path/to/rundir planner.img path/to/domain.pddl path/to/problem.pddl path/to/output.plan

Fun tasks

  • Solve the sokoban problem by
  1. hand
  2. writing a domain for the given problem description and running a planner

Value iteration

Questions: link

courses/be4m36pui/tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/21 14:02 by mrkosja1