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Assignment #2 Probabilistic Planner

19. 4. - Assignment has been updated! If you have started already, you can use the old version assignment in the report. If not, we recommend that you take advantage of the better-defined, updated version of the assignment.

Description of the assignment: updated pdf ( old pdf)

Dataset: updated dataset-assignment2 (old dataset-assignment2.zip)

Submission deadline for tutor feedback (if you want it): 9. 5. 2021

Final submission deadline: 24. 5. 2021

Submission instructions

Please submit your report together with any sourcecode and README that describes how to run your simulations into BRUTE, as a single archive (zip, tar, tgz, bz2).

If possible, please include the report in the top-level folder of the archive and name it report_YourCtuLogin.pdf. If possible, save your report as .pdf. Include your sourcecodes in a subfolder of the archive.

courses/be4m36pui/assignments/assignment2.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/06 14:22 by mrkosja1