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BAM33ZSL / A6M33ZSL - Zobrazovací systémy v lékařství / Medical Imaging Systems

Obsahem předmětu je koncepce, vlastnosti a struktura zobrazovacích systémů užívaných v současné době v lékařství. Jedná se 2D mikroskopické, rentgenové a ultrazvukové zobrazovací systémy včetně dopplerovského ultrazvuku. Dále se budeme zabývat tomografickými (3D) systémy: počítačovou tomografií (CT), magnetickou rezonancí (MRI) včetně funkční MR a nukleárními zobrazovacími metodami (PET,SPECT).

This course covers the principles, design and properties of currently used medical imaging devices. We shall deal with 2D microscopic, X-ray and ultrasound imaging systems, including advanced topics such as Doppler ultrasound. We will also study tomographic (3D) imaging systems: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including functional MRI (fMRI) and nuclear imaging methods (PET,SPECT).

Česká a anglická verze budou vyučovány dohromady. Pokud budou přítomni studenti nemluvící česky, budeme mluvit anglicky. Některá cvičení budou učena v angličtině v každém případě. The Czech and English version will be taught together. If non-Czech speakers are present, we will teach in English.

Přednášející / lecturer : Jan Kybic

Important announcement

Some lectures / exercises will be outside of the standard scheduled time slots for this course. See below for a list. You are encouraged to attend but we understand if you cannot.

  • There will be a lecture on Friday, February 18.2., at 9:15 in KN:E-126, to compensate for a missing lecture on March 2. Materials will be provided for self study if you cannot attend.
  • On Wednesdays 16.2, 23.2. and 2.3. there will be no lab exercises. Instead, we will visit the Motol hospital immediately after the lecture. You will be shown some imaging devices and you are encouraged to participate in a functional MRI brain acquisition. This acquisition will be part of a research study and you will also be given your data to process them in the following computer exercises. We will go by groups, about 1/3 each week. Please see the planning table and confirm that the date is OK for you. If you are unable or unwilling to go a certain week, please inform me immediately, either by email or by adding a comment to the table. Both the visit and the acquisition is voluntary but I think it is a very interesting and unique experience and I strongly recommend it. The visit is expected to last a couple of hours (e.g. until 2pm). You can meet me directly after the lecture (10:50) in front of building E or you can go there on your own. In that case, you should be at 11:15 in the “aula ředitelství FNM a děkanátu 2. LF UK” in the hospital. From the Motol metro station, you go straight accross a little “square” (with a pharmacy and a small shop). It is not recommended to enter the hospital by other entrances as many passages are currently closed. If you get lost, call dr. Šanda (702 024 204) or myself (608 28 24 42). The list of the imaging units we will see has been extended and as a consequence there might be time for only 3 people to go to the scanner. For this reason, if you want to go, let me know or mark it in the table.
  • In the second half of the semester, we plan for you to perform some practical experiments with ultrasound. To accommodate all of you, some of these labs will be done in Dejvice, probably on Thursdays 28.4, 5.5. and 12.5. (in small groups).
courses/zsl/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/14 16:18 by kybicjan