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Physical Human-Robot Interaction and Cobots

We will work with the RoboDK program that is used for simulation of industrial robots.

You can install a trial version on your own computer (30 days of full version). However, there are full versions installed on the computers in the lab.

RoboDK is already installed in our Docker image. Check Docker tutorial for more details.


This task should teach you:

  • Simulate an industrial robot
  • Evaluate the safety of a given application
  • Mitigate risks of an application

RoboDK introduction and Safe HRI 2022/04/19

Example files: library_examples.zip


  • Make sure you have a running RoboDK version (see above for possibilities).
  • Work with RoboDK and its controls (see guides), make sure you know how to:
    • Change the simulation speed
    • Control the view
    • Launch the simulation
    • Change/add a robot program
    • Add objects to the environment
    • Detect collisions
    • Read out information about the robot (speed limit, angles, reach, …)
  • Test these skills on an example from RoboDK, e.g., Example-06.e-Conveyor with 2 UR robots.rdk


  • The different modes of collaboration (PFL, SSM, HG):
    • What are the benefits of each mode?
    • What are their limitations?
    • Can these modes be applied to all robots or specific robots are needed?

Optional (preparation for next class):

Safe collaboration 2022/04/26


  • Investigate the scenario Example-06.f-Pick and Place CNC and Dual RobotiQ Gripper-UR10.rdk following the instructions
  • Apply the methodology document on the task
  • Clearly identify risks and suggest methods how to mitigate these risks
  • Submit a PDF of the sheet (ODS or XLSX or TeX) documenting your risk analysis and risk mitigation, use the all relevant sheets from the workbook, not just one sheet. Do not forget the commentary section to provide supporting arguments!
courses/hro/tutorials/4cobots.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/27 13:04 by svarnpet