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LUP – Logical reasoning and programming

This page provides information for the class B4M36LUP - Logické usuzování a programování as well as its English-language counterpart BE4M36LUP - Logical reasoning and programming, which are taught jointly. The lectures are held in English if at least one student in the room is non-Czech.

The course's aim is to explain selected significant methods of computational logic. These include algorithms for propositional satisfiability checking, logical programming in Prolog, and first-order theorem proving and model-finding. Time permitting, we will also discuss some complexity and decidability issues pertaining to the said methods.

Lecturers: Karel Chvalovský, Ondřej Kuželka

Lab instructors: Karel Chvalovský, Radomír Černoch

Course supervisor: Filip Železný

Until further notice, the class is held online in this MS Teams space and live meetings are in the regular lecture/lab timetable slots.


MS Teams Lecture Channel (inside the MS Teams space linked above).

Date Lecturer Topic Resources
1 21.9. Chvalovský Introduction and propositional logic (recap) slides
2 5.10. Chvalovský SAT solving—resolution and DPLL slides
3 12.10. Chvalovský SAT solving (cont'd)—CDCL slides
4 19.10. Chvalovský Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) slides
5 26.10. Kuželka Introduction to Prolog slides
6 2.11. Kuželka Recursion, lists slides
7 9.11. Kuželka SLD trees, cut, negation slides
8 16.11. Kuželka Search in Prolog slides
9 23.11. Chvalovský Answer set programming slides
10 30.11. Chvalovský First-order logic slides
11 7.12. Chvalovský First-order resolution slides
12 14.12. Chvalovský Equality and model finding slides
13 4.1. Chvalovský Proof assistants slides

Note that the titles and topics of future lectures are tentative and subject to change.


Date Tutor Topic Resources
1 21.9. Chvalovský General discussion and exercises on propositional logic exercises
2 5.10. Chvalovský SAT solving exercises
3 12.10. Chvalovský SAT solving exercises
4 19.10. Chvalovský SMT solving exercises
5 26.10. Černoch Prolog as a database exercises
6 2.11. Černoch Recursion and lists exercises
7 9.11. Černoch Efficient programming exercises
8 16.11. Černoch Search exercises
9 23.11. Chvalovský Answer Set Programming exercises
10 30.11. Chvalovský First-order logic exercises
11 7.12. Chvalovský First-order resolution exercises
12 14.12. Chvalovský Equality and theorem provers exercises
13 4.1. Chvalovský Proof assistants exercises


Assigned Deadline Name BRUTE label Description Points
1 21.10. 25.11. Shirokuro task1 20
2 16.11. 13.12. Escape from Zurg / Verbal arithmetics task2 15
3 14.12. 18.1. Hilbert proof systems task3 15



There will be 3 tasks (for 20, 15, and 15 points) assigned during the semester. You submit your solutions through BRUTE. Late submissions are penalized.

An assessment is awarded if you receive at least 25 points for all your solutions.


Due to the current coronavirus situation, the examination will take the form of an oral online exam (50 points) and to pass you need at least 25 points. You are eligible for a grade only after you receive the assessment for labs. However, you can still attend the exam. You need a computer that is capable of running Goog Meet, including audio and video. You will be sat alone, remotely in a place of your choice, with your webcam turned on during the whole exam.

Although it is allowed to use the course materials and other resources during the exam, the relatively tight time window makes it highly unlikely that you will have the time to do this to any great extent. Instead, you will do best if you approach the exam as you would normally. On the other hand, it is not allowed to communicate with other people or seek advice from them during the exam.

The exam consists of two separate parts:

  • Prolog (15 points, 15 minutes), and
  • Automated reasoning (35 points, 20 minutes).

You will receive the exact times of your slots (and Google Meet links) in advance. Generally speaking, the Prolog session starts at 10:00 and the Automated reasoning session at 13:00.


The Prolog part of the exam will test your knowledge of the material from the lectures and possibly also from the tutorials. You may be also asked to explain/write/fix simple Prolog programs (but mostly just a few lines of code due to the format of the exam).

Automated reasoning

This part will cover mostly the theory presented during lectures 1-4 and 9-13. However, you might be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of theory on simple examples or their parts. Hence you should also understand the examples solved during labs.

Final note

We understand that this is a new exam situation for you (and us). Moreover, your current situation might require alternative arrangements. If this is the case, please, feel free to contact us as soon as possible.


The final grade is based on the sum of points you receive for labs (max. 50 pts.) and the exam (max. 50 pts.) and follows university regulations:

Points Grade
100-90 A 1 excellent
89-80 B 1.5 very good
79-70 C 2 good
69-60 D 2.5 satisfactory
59-50 E 3 sufficient
<50 F 4 failed



Automated Theorem Provers

Model Finders

courses/lup/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/09 00:02 by chvalkar