The Open Motion Planning Library contains implementations of many sampling-based algorithms such as PRM, RRT, EST, SBL, KPIECE, SyCLOP, and several variants of these. Details on the installation of the OMPL library are at Open Motion Planning Library tutorial. Below is a simple annotated example of motion planning in continuous space:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ompl import base as ob from ompl import geometric as og def plot_points(points, specs='r'): """ method to plot the points Parameters ---------- points: list(float, float) list of the pint coordinates """ x_val = [x[0] for x in points] y_val = [x[1] for x in points] plt.plot(x_val, y_val, specs) plt.draw() def isStateValid(state): """ method for collision detection checking Parameters ---------- state : list(float) configuration to be checked for collision Returns ------- bool False if there is collision, True otherwise """ return (state[0] >= state[1]) def plan(start, goal): #set dimensions of the problem to be solved stateSpace = ob.RealVectorStateSpace() #set state space stateSpace.addDimension(0.0, 10.0) #set width stateSpace.addDimension(0.0, 10.0) #set height #create a simple setup object task = og.SimpleSetup(stateSpace) #set methods for collision detection and resolution of the checking task.setStateValidityChecker(ob.StateValidityCheckerFn(isStateValid)) task.getSpaceInformation().setStateValidityCheckingResolution(0.001) #setting start and goal positions start_pose = ob.State(task.getStateSpace()) goal_pose = ob.State(task.getStateSpace()) start_pose()[0] = start[0] start_pose()[1] = start[1] goal_pose()[0] = goal[0] goal_pose()[1] = goal[1] task.setStartAndGoalStates(start_pose, goal_pose) #setting particular planner from the supported planners info = task.getSpaceInformation() planner = og.RRT(info) # RRT, RRTConnect, FMT, ... task.setPlanner(planner) #find the solution solution = task.solve() #simplify the solution if solution: task.simplifySolution() #retrieve found path plan = task.getSolutionPath() #extract path and plot it path = [] for i in range(plan.getStateCount()): path.append((plan.getState(i)[0], plan.getState(i)[1])) plot_points(path,'r') if __name__ == "__main__": plan([0, 0], [10, 10])
Besides the setup of the planner, the programmer needs to deliver the validity checking function. In the problem of robotic motion planning this function usually consists of collision checking which can be based on different approaches.
Further information of the planner can be obtained using access through PlannerData object as demonstrated below.
#retrieve planner data plannerdata = ob.PlannerData(info) planner.getPlannerData(plannerdata) #getting vertices nv = plannerdata.numVertices() g = [] for i in range(0, nv): vert = plannerdata.getVertex(i) g.append((vert.getState()[0], vert.getState()[1])) #getting edges e = [] for i in range(0, nv): for j in range(0, nv): if plannerdata.edgeExists(i, j): e.append((g[i], g[j])) #show edges plot_edges(e) def plot_edges(edges): """ method to plot the edges of the randomized sampling-based path planning approach graph Parameters ---------- edges: list((float,float),(float,float)) list of edges (coordinate1, coordinate2) """ ed = np.asarray(edges) for edge in ed: plt.plot([edge[0,0], edge[1,0]],[edge[0,1], edge[1,1]],'g',linewidth=0.6) plt.draw()
A set of motion planning benchmarking examples available online.