The following table contains the lecture plan. The Resources column is deliberately extensive, we will most likely not be able to talk about all the methods. Let me know if you have some preferences as to what methods you would like to talk about, I am open to suggestions.
I assume the knowledge of the simple image processing methods such as thresholding or linear filtering. I also assume a basic knowledge of neural networks and deep learning (see links below). However, I can of course briefly explain the basic concepts if you let me know.
The links to download the full text of the papers should work for you, although in some cases you need to be on the CTU network. If they do not work, let me know.
You are supposed to read the papers (at least go through them quickly) before the lecture to get the most of it. There will be a quick test (a multiple choice quiz) at the beginning of some of the lab sessions related to some of the papers discussed during the lectures.
The lectures will take place at 9:15 on Wednesdays in room KN:E-127. If you cannot come, you do not need to apologize, just go through the papers and the presentations.
The lecture plan is tentative and may be updated, so please check it regularly.
Medical image analysis is a dynamic domain, recent and advanced algorithms are published mainly in the primary literature, i.e. scientific journals. The most relevant are
These journals can be accessed free of charge thanks to a CTU subscription. Ask the central library in case of problems.