
Regularly updated list of all lecture recordings is here.

date week topic slides + videos + materials
23.09.2024 1 Lec 1: Machine learning 101: engineering view on model, loss, learning, learning issues, regression, classification 00_outline.pdf
30.9.2024 2 Lec 2: Under the hood of a linear classifier: two-class and multi-class linear classifier on RGB images 02_classification.pdf
7.10.2024 3 Lec 3: Where the hell do the loss and overfitting come from? MAP and ML estimate, KL divergence and losses. 03_kl_mle_loss_overfitting.pdf
central limit theorem
Bayes theorem
14.10.2024 4 Lec 4: Under the hood of auto-differentiation: Computational graph of fully-connected NN, Vector-Jacobian-Product (VJP) vs chainrule and multiplication of Jacobians
!!! Lecture canceled please look at the recording from the last year !!!
what is convolution
21.10.2024 5 Lec 5: The story of the cat's brain surgery: cortex + convolutional layer and its Vector-Jacobian-Product (VJP), fun with backpropagation 05_convnets.pdf
28.10.2024 6 Independence Day of Czechoslovakia
4.11.2024 7 Midterm test urob_2023_midterm_test_1_.pdf
(“pure SGD” = “SGD”, i.e. momentum = 0)
11.11.2024 8 Lec 6: Why is learning prone to fail? - Structural issues: issues emerging from convolution and activation layers, initialization, normalization (BN, LN, GN, BN, BIN), regularization (weight-decay, drop-out) 06_layers.pdf
18.11.2024 9 Lec 7: Why is learning prone to fail? - Optimization issues: optimization vs learning, KL divergence, SGD, momentum, convergence rate, Adagrad, RMSProp, AdamOptimizer, diminishing/exploding gradient, oscillation, double descent 07_training.pdf
25.11.2024 10 Lec 8: Advanced layers that are known to work well I: Classical blocks (Skip-connection, Spatial/Channel attention, Inception module), Segmentation, Transformers 08a_architectures_class_segm.pdf
02.12.2024 11 Lec 9: Advanced layers that are known to work well II: Detection (Yolo, fast-RCNN), Regression (OpenPose), Spatial Transformer Nets, Generative networks /
09.12.2024 12 Lec 10: Reinforcement learning: Approximated Q-learning, DQN, DDPG, Derivation of the policy gradient (REINFORCE), A2C, TRPO, PPO, Reward shaping, Inverse RL, Applications, /
16.12.2024 13 Lec 11: Implicit layers: Backpropagation through unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, ODE solvers, roots, fixed points + existing end-to-end differentiable modules cvxpy, gradSLAM, gradMPC, gradODE, pytorch3d
8.1.2025 14 Exam test exam_vir_2022.pdf
vir_2022_training_questions_exam_test.pdf exam_2021.pdf exam_2022.pdf

Lectures 2023

date week topic slides + videos + materials
25.09.2023 1 Lec 1: Machine learning 101: model, loss, learning, issues, regression, classification vir_outline.pdf
02.10.2023 2 Lec 2: Under the hood of a linear classifier: two-class and multi-class linear classifier on RGB images 02_classification.pdf
9.10.2023 3 Lec 3: Under the hood of auto-differentiation: Computational graph of fully-connected NN, Vector-Jacobian-Product (VJP) vs chainrule and multiplication of Jacobians. 03_fcnn_autodiff_vjp.pdf
16.10.2023 4 Lec 4: The story of the cat's brain surgery: cortex + convolutional layer and its Vector-Jacobian-Product (VJP) 04_convnets.pdf
23.10.2023 5 Lec 5: Where the hell does the loss come from? MAP and ML estimate, KL divergence and losses. 05_kl_mle_loss_overfitting.pdf
30.10.2023 6 Midterm test vir_2022_midterm_test.pdf
(“pure SGD” = “SGD”, i.e. momentum = 0)
06.11.2023 7 Lec 6: Why is learning prone to fail? - Structural issues: layers + issues, batch-norm, drop-out layers.pdf
13.11.2023 8 Lec 7: Why is learning prone to fail? - Optimization issues: optimization vs learning, KL divergence, SGD, momentum, convergence rate, Adagrad, RMSProp, AdamOptimizer, diminishing/exploding gradient, oscillation, double descent training.pdf
20.11.2023 9 Dean's day
27.11.2023 10 Lec 8: What can('t) we do with a deep net?: Classification (ResNet, Squeeze and Excitation Nets), Segmentation (DeepLab), Detection (Yolo, fast-RCNN), Regression (OpenPose), Spatial Transformer Nets, 08a_architectures_class_segm_simplified.pdf
04.12.2023 11 Lec 9: Reinforcement learning: Approximated Q-learning, DQN, DDPG, Derivation of the policy gradient (REINFORCE), A2C, TRPO, PPO, Reward shaping, Inverse RL, Applications, 09b_reinforcement_learning.pdf
11.12.2023 12 Lec 10: What I wanted to speak about from the very beginning, but it did not fit in: Implicit layers (Backpropagation through unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, ODE solvers, roots, fixed points) + existing end-to-end differentiable modules cvxpy, gradSLAM, gradMPC, gradODE, pytorch3d, Memory and attention (recurrent nets, Image transformers with attention module) 10a_memory_attention.pdf
18.12.2023 13 Exam test exam_vir_2022.pdf
vir_2022_training_questions_exam_test.pdf exam_2021.pdf exam_2022.pdf
8.1.2024 14 Lec 11: Deep learning for satellite imagery: Guest lecture of Michal Reinstein (chief scientist in Spaceknow)

The playlist of all lecture recordings is here

Lectures 2022

date week topic slides + videos
19.09.2022 1 Lec 1: Machine learning 101: model, loss, learning, issues, regression, classification 01_intro_learning_regression_classification.pdf
26.09.2022 2 Lec 2: Under the hood of a linear classifier: two-class and multi-class linear classifier on RGB images 02_classification.pdf
03.10.2022 3 Lec 3: Where the hell does the loss come from? MAP and ML estimate, KL divergence and losses. 03_mle.pdf
10.10.2022 4 Lec 4: The story of the cat's brain surgery: fully-connected NN + fast backpropagation via Vector-Jacobian-Product (VJP), cortex + convolutional layer
17.10.2022 5 Lec 5: Under the hood of auto-differentiation: Vector-Jacobian-Product (VJP) vs chainrule and multiplication of Jacobians, convolutional layer and its VJP 04a_fully_connected_neural_nets.pdf
24.10.2022 6 Midterm test vir_2022_training_questions_midterm_test.pdf
(“pure SGD” = “SGD”, i.e. momentum = 0)
31.10.2022 7 Lec 6: Why is learning prone to fail? - Structural issues: layers + issues, batch-norm, drop-out layers.pdf
07.11.2022 8 Lec 7: Why is learning prone to fail? - Optim. issues: optimization vs learning, KL divergence, SGD, momentum, convergence rate, Adagrad, RMSProp, AdamOptimizer, diminishing/exploding gradient, oscillation, double descent training.pdf
14.11.2022 9 Lec 8: What can('t) we do with a deep net?: Classification (ResNet, Squeeze and Excitation Nets), Segmentation (DeepLab), Detection (Yolo, fast-RCNN), Regression (OpenPose), Spatial Transformer Nets, Memory and attention (recurrent nets, Image transformers with attention module) 08a_architectures_class_segm_simplified.pdf
21.11.2022 10 Lec 9: Reinforcement learning: Approximated Q-learning, DQN, DDPG, Derivation of the policy gradient (REINFORCE), A2C, Inverse RL, Applications,

Lec 9 3/4:Learning to optimize: Backpropagation through unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, application (end-to-end differentiable modules cvxpy, gradSLAM, gradMPC, gradODE, pytorch3d)

Lec 9 9/10:Self-supervision: (pseudo-labeling, privileged information, monodepth)
28.11.2022 11 Lec 10: Generative Adversial Networks: Guest lecture by David Coufal, ÚI AV ČR lec10_recording
05.12.2022 12 Lec 11: Normalizing Flows: Guest lecture by David Coufal, ÚI AV ČR lec11_recording
12.12.2022 13 Exam test vir_2022_training_questions_exam_test.pdf
09.01.2023 15 Lec 12: Deep learning for satellite imagery: Guest lecture of Michal Reinstein (chief scientist in Spaceknow)

The playlist of all lecture recordings is here.

Lectures 2021

date week topic slides + videos
20.09.2021 1 Lec 1: MLE regression: derivation of L2 loss, prior lec_01_MLE_regression
27.09.2021 2 Lec 2: MLE classifier: derivation of cross-entropy loss and logistic loss and linear classifier lec_02_MLE_classifiction(pdf)
04.10.2021 3 Lec 3: Fully-connected network: computational graph + backpropagation lec_03_NN(pdf)
11.10.2021 4 Lec 4: ConvNet: convolutional layer + backpropagation lec_04_ConvNets(pdf)
18.10.2021 5 Lec 5: Training: SGD, momentum, convergence rate, Adagrad, RMSProp, AdamOptimizer, diminishing/exploding gradient, oscilation lec_05_training(pdf)
25.10.2021 6 Lec 6: Layers: Convolution, Activation functions, Batch-Instance Norm, MaxPooling, Losses + backpropagation
Test T1
01.11.2021 7 Lec 7: Architectures I: classification (ResNet, Squeeze and `excitation Nets) lec_07_classification_segmentation(pdf)
08.11.2021 8 Lec 8: Architectures II: segmentation (DeepLab), pose regression (OpenPose), lec_08_classification_segmentation(pdf)
15.11.2021 9 Lec 9: Architectures III: detection (Yolo), depth regression, spatial transformer nets lec_09_regression_detection_stn(pdf)
SVTI streams and recordings
22.11.2021 10 Lec 10: Reinforcement Learning I: Approximated Q-learning, DQN, DDPG, Policy gradient (REINFORCE), lec_10_DQN_DDPG_REINFORCE(pdf)
29.11.2021 11 Lec 11: Generative Adversarial Networks:
guest lecture by David Coufal, ÚI AV ČR)
06.12.2021 12 Lec 12: Reinforcement Learning II: Derivation of the policy gradient, A2C, Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Applications, end-to-end differentiable modules (cvxpy, gradSLAM, pytorch3d) lec_12_A2C_IRL(pdf)
13.12.2021 13 Lec 13: Memory and attention: Recurrent nets, Image transformers with attention module, Depth completition (monodepth), Graph convolution, lec_13_memory_attention(pdf)
03.01.2022 15 Lec 14: Exam Test ET

All SVTI streams

Lectures 2020

date week topic slides+videos+codes
21.09.2020 1 Lec 1: Regression/Classification as MLE: derivation of L2-loss, cross-entropy loss, logistic loss

Lec 2: Neural networks: Fully-connected layer + computational graph + backpropagation
lec_1_video (incorrect audio sync!) vir_outline.pdfmle_01_regression.pdf mle_regression.py

lec2_internal_viewerlec_2_video mle_02_classification.pdf mle_linear_classifier.py
28.9.2020 2 State holidays
05.10.2020 3 Lec 3: ConvNet: convolutional layer + backpropagation lec3_internal_viewer lec3.video neural_nets.pdf, convnets.pdf convolution_codes.zip
12.10.2020 4 Lec 4: Training: SGD, momentum, convergence rate, Adagrad, RMSProp, AdamOptimizer, diminishing/exploding gradient, oscilation lec4_internal_viewer lec4_video
training.pdf (corrected slides)
19.10.2020 5 Lec 5: Layers: Convolution, Activation functions, Batch-Instance Norm, MaxPooling, Losses + backpropagation lec5_internal_viewer,
layers.pdf (corrected)
26.10.2020 6 Lec 6: Architectures I: classification (ResNet), segmentation (DeepLab)
Test T1
02.11.2020 7 Lec 7: Learning from unlabelled data: Self-supervision: Contrastive learning, rotation, jigsaw, Colorization
Weak-supervision: Multiple-instance learning, physical constraints; guest lecture by Patrik Vacek
09.11.2020 8 Lec 8: Architectures II: pose regression, detection (Yolo), depth regression, spatial transformer nets, LIFTs lec8_internal_viewer
16.11.2020 9 Lec 9: Structured inputs: Recurrent neural networks, Convolution in 1,2 and 3D and other structures:
guest lecture by Teymur Azayev
23.11.2020 10 Lec 10: Reinforcement Learning I: DQN, GAE+TD(lambda), DDPG lec10_internal_viewer
30.11.2020 11 Lec 11: Reinforcement Learning II: Policy gradients (REINFORCE), Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Applications,

What did not fit to lectures: domain transfer, MAML, monodepth, depth from symmetries, Pytorch3D, CvxPyLayer (it did not fit even here ;-))
07.12.2020 12 Lec 12: Generative Adversarial Networks:
guest lecture by David Coufal, ÚI AV ČR)
14.12.2020 13 Exam Test ET see BRUTE for results
04.01.2021 14 Selected teams present their semestral works (the rest presents during labs)
courses/b3b33urob/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/27 09:34 by zimmerk