Brute specification

All evaluation code in BRUTE is running with python3.

In general, code is not running on a computer with GPU. However, some of the homework might be running on a physical computer with GPU available. In such case, there will be a note about it in an HW assignment, torch.cuda.is_available() = True and such GPU will be NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti (11GB VRAM).

Versions of available Python packages are listed below. The versions listed will not change during the run of the course.

If you are missing some packages, we might include it, however, there are no guarantees.

Python and packages versions

Python 3.12

Package           Version
----------------- ------------
appdirs           1.4.4
attrs             23.2.0
beautifulsoup4    4.12.3
Brotli            1.1.0
chardet           5.2.0
cloudpickle       3.0.0
contourpy         1.3.0
cssselect         1.2.0
cycler            0.12.1
decorator         5.1.1
filelock          3.16.0
fonttools         4.46.0
fs                2.4.16
fsspec            2024.9.0
gym               0.26.2
gym-notices       0.0.8
html5lib          1.1
Jinja2            3.1.4
kiwisolver        1.4.5
lxml              5.3.0
lz4               4.0.2+dfsg
MarkupSafe        2.1.5
matplotlib        3.8.3
mpmath            1.3.0
networkx          3.3
numpy             1.26.4
olefile           0.46
packaging         24.1
pillow            10.4.0
pip               24.2
psutil            5.9.8
pybullet          3.2.6
pyglet            2.0.15
pyparsing         3.1.2
pypng             0.20231004.0
python-dateutil   2.9.0
pytz              2024.1
scipy             1.13.1
six               1.16.0
soupsieve         2.6
stopit            1.1.2
sympy             1.12.1
torch             2.3.1+cpu
torchvision       0.18.1+cpu
typing_extensions 4.12.2
ufoLib2           0.16.0
webencodings      0.5.1
wheel             0.44.0

courses/b3b33urob/resources/brute_spec/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 11:52 by vlkjan6