Programming problems form previous years.
Directed graphs Maximum path Downhill skiing Travelling circus Shortcut edges Increasing Training Load Reverse an Edge Leaking canals inspection Wayfarers Blue Promenades Express Paths in Directed Graphs
Euler trail Winter Maintenance Service
Generation of various combinatorial structures The Mastermind-- Assistant Program Counting Spanning Trees The Puzzle The Deep Caves Isomorphic permutations Historical Segmented Belts
Graph isomorphism Small Graphs Isomorphism Binary Rooted Tree Isomorphism Cyclic Isomers Acyclic Isomers Acyclic Isomers II Similar weighted binary rooted trees Tree isomorphism Molecules Connected Networks Isomorphism of Tree-Cycle Graphs Isomorphism of Graphs with Few Cycles
Graph searching Refactoring of a Simplified Makefile Maximum Augmenting Sequence Telescopes connection Marsh Causeway Road Trip Word Game
Minimum spanning trees Minimum Cascading Spanning Tree Campus Cable TV Hedgehog Minimum Spanning Tree Backup Connection New advances in gravitational waves observations Electrification of a rural area Minimum Spanning Tree with Optimal A-B Connection Minimum spanning tree in a graph with vertex potentials
Number theory Linear congruential generator Counting linear congruential generators On Certain Lehmer Generators Sequence Periods of Some Blum Blum Shub Random Number Generators
Priority queues Building Binomial Heaps
Properties of finite automata and regular languages Dictionary automaton PAL distance Finite and infinite languages The Word Counter The NFA Counter Identification of minimal DFA Incomplete Automaton Words with given prefix Bud words Intermediate Words
Text searching Basic Committee Work Model Text Search Dictionaries Trains dispatching Search for a polynomial String Factorization Genetic engineering
Older problems in Czech
Directed graphs CZ Hradlová síť
Generation of various combinatorial structures CZ Polymino CZ Šachová koncovka CZ Shoda stromù
Graph searching CZ Průměr grafu CZ Nepostradatelný datový kanál
Minimum spanning trees CZ Asfaltové silnice CZ Připojení CZ Počítačová síť
Priority queue(s) CZ Výbìr nejlepších položek ve skladu
Text searching CZ Geny v DNA CZ Zjednodušené hledání v DNA
Older, less relevant problems (also in Czech)
Minimum directed spanning tree (= optimum branching) CZ Výstavba potrubní pošty
Pushdown automaton simulation CZ Zasobníkový automat
Parsing CZ Vyhodnocování řetězcových výrazù