Mitsubishi robot RV-6S

How to use it

RS-232 connection

  • The voltage required for transmission is on 12 V level (it is not tolerant to 3V levels against the standard).
  • RS-232 is currently set to:
    • 38.400 kbps,
    • 8 bits (default),
    • parity even (default),
    • two stopbits (default),
    • DTR checked,
    • RTS/CTS checked,
    • XON/XOFF unchecked,
    • non-procedural (default),
    • terminator 'CR' (default).


Calibration data

The robot was calibrated using jigs April 30th 2010. Here are the calibration data (most probably obsolete):
D: I?Q #TO
1: YR4 GZT
2: E9K T2E
3: 01P MBN
4: YTY BO@
5: 17$ WFS
6: Z2W 348

Denavit-Hartenberg notation

Joint α a Θ d parameter range
1 -90 85 parameter 350 < -170; 170 >
2 0 280 -90 + parameter 0 < -92; 135 >
3 -90 100 -90 + parameter 0 < -107; 166 >
4 90 0 parameter 315 < -160; 160 >
5 -90 0 parameter 0 < -120; 120 >
6 0 0 180 + parameter 85 < -360; 360 >

The parameters α (rotation around new X axis) Θ (rotation around Z axis) are in degress and the parameters a (translation in new X axis) and d (translation in Z axis) are in millimeters. The Base is eye matrix and there is no Tool installed. The parameter range is in degrees and is the maximum possible range.

help/common/robot_mitsubishi_rv-6s.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/20 13:26 by krsek