Rules - independent work

These are the general rules for most courses using this CourseWare and BRUTE upload system. If you have any doubts, ask a lecturer.

  1. Code or text (from hereafter, only code) for each assignment has to be done independently. In programming, it is normal to (re)use someone else's code; however, for study purposes, this is undesirable.1) If you are allowed to use someone else's code, it will be specifically stated in the assignment.
  2. Also, usage of AI-based advanced tools for code automation, such as ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, Google Bard, etc., are generally not allowed. If their usage is allowed for a particular task, it shall be allowed explicitly.
  3. Turned-in work is checked for plagiarism. Any code that is either a complete copy or which, after simple mechanical syntax modification, is identical to someone else's code is plagiarism.
  4. In case you turn in plagiarism, you still have to turn in an original solution in the original time. However, you receive zero points.
  5. In case you turn in copied code repeatedly2), you are automatically classified with an F.
  6. Lecturers do not guarantee they will be able to differentiate between original work and plagiarism. Do not provide your code to your classmates.
  7. Student who does not agree with his evaluation or classification can proceed according to ČVUT Study and Examination rules.

What is a plagiarism

Plagiarism is a test, code, illustration, method or idea taken from another's work without citing your sources.

Everyone who uses work or results of someone else has to indicate he did so and reference the original author. Otherwise it is plagiarism. For study reasons, using other's work is also forbidden in some courses, even if it was properly labeled.

Practical notes

In most assignments, you will primarily have to avoid using someone else's code. If you find a code (i.e. from a colleague or on the internet), which solves your assignment, try to wait for a day or two, before starting your own work, to limit the volume of copied work.

Students, we strongly appeal to your professional honor. Copying and Cheating are serious offences against academical ethics. If you are at your wits' end, ask lecturers for help. They will gladly provide you with the directions to the solution.

If you study someone else's code, try to wait for at least 24 hours before you start writing your own implementation.
This means even across your courses, not only in the same course
help/common/plagiarism_cheating.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/27 14:10 by xposik