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Supporting materials for the lectures of the academic year 2023/2024. The materials are slides, also available in printer-safe version as handouts with 2×2 and 3×3 slides on a single page.

These supportive materials are not intended as a replacement for your own notes from the lectures. They are rather provided to help you to understand the studied problems.

#TWeek Week Monday (Room No. KN:E-107) 11:00-12:30
#1 39. Lecture 01 - Course information, introduction to robotics 25.09. - lec01
#2 40. Lecture 02 - Robotic paradigms and control architectures 02.10. - lec02
#3 41. Lecture 03 - Path planning - grid and graph-based path planning methods 09.10. - lec03
#4 42. Lecture 04 - Robotic information gathering - Mobile robot exploration 16.10. - lec04
#5 43. Expert's talk on Autonomous exploration and search missions in underground environments 23.10. - lec05
#6 44. Lecture 06 - Multi-goal path planning 30.10. - lec06
#7 45. Lecture 07 - Data collection planning 06.11. - lec07
#8 46. Lecture 08 - Curvature-constrained data collection planning 13.11. - lec08
#9 47. Dean's day 20.11.
#10 48. Lecture 09 - Randomized sampling-based motion planning methods 27.11. - lec09
#11 49. Semestral project assignment 04.12. - lec11
#12 50. Lecture 11 - Pursuit-evasion games I 11.12. - lec11
#13 51. Lecture 12 - Pursuit-evasion games II 18.12. - lec12
52. Winter holidays (25.12. - 7.1.)
01. Winter holidays (25.12. - 7.1.)
#14 02. Exam Test (reserve) 08.01.
13.1.2024 @ 23.59 PST - Ungraded Assessment Deadline!

1. Course information, introduction to robotics

Jan Faigl 2023/09/25 10:06

2. Robotic paradigms and control architectures

Jan Faigl 2023/09/21 17:55

3. Path planning - Grid and graph-based path planning methods

Jan Faigl 2023/09/21 17:55

4. Robotic information gathering - Mobile robot exploration

Jan Faigl 2023/10/16 10:52

Comments on Hungarian algorithm and dummy tasks and resources. Further comments on the relation of the decision-making and particular realization of the whole navigation stack.

Jan Faigl 2023/09/21 17:55

6. Multi-goal path planning

Jan Faigl 2023/10/29 21:57

7. Data collection planning

Jan Faigl 2024/01/16 17:20

8. Curvature-constrained data collection planning

Jan Faigl 2024/01/12 22:32

9. Randomized sampling-based motion planning methods

Jan Faigl 2023/11/26 20:42

11. Pursuit-evasion games I

12. Pursuit-evasion games II

Tomas Kroupa 2023/12/17 09:32

courses/uir/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/16 17:21 by faiglj