The following python3 packages are required. Use, e.g., pip3 to install them.
pip3 install numpy pip3 install matplotlib pip3 install Dijkstar pip3 install dubins pip3 install sklearn pip3 install scikit-image
CoppeliaSim (formarly V-REP) is a powerful cross-platform 3D simulator based on a distributed control architecture: control programs (or scripts) can be directly attached to scene objects and run simultaneously in a threaded or non-threaded fashion. It features advanced physics engines which allows to simulate real-world physics and object interactions (collisions, object dynamics, etc.).
CoppeliaSim control methods CoppeliaSim Python remote API documentation CoppeliaSim C++ remote API documentation
CoppeliaSim Python remote API tutorial
Hexapod model
Hexapod servos numbering:
LP solver is needed for the game theory tasks. Upload system works with Gurobi. A guide for Gurobi is available on the Combinatorial Optimization course pages.