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Lectures are delivered by Petr Pošík or Tomas Svoboda (TS).

The course starts in regular contact teaching regime, but might change to distance teaching if needed. We strongly suggest attending the lectures personally. We can make the lectures hybrid, if needed, such that you can also take part online. BigBlueButton will be used to deliver the lectures and for discussions. You will find the link to the course room in BRUTE, on Course ⇒ Conference rooms. BRUTE will also contain the lecture recordings in several formats:

  • Internal viewer - full recording, including slides or shared screen, video stream (blackboard), and chat. Please note the BBB player may not work in Safari properly, use another browser. Video stream (blackboard) and the slide screen can be interchanged.
  • MP4 - video containing only slides/shared screen. No blackboard recording.
  • PDF - pdf with all drawings made during the on-line session into the slides.

You can also watch the MP4 recordings from a previous year distance teaching at the BE5B33KUI YouTube channel. However, beware that the content of the course might have changed slightly since then.

PDF of the slides will be posted on this page. Preliminary version (e.g., last year's) before the lecture. Latest version, including teacher's notes shortly after the lecture. If you spot mistakes in the slides, please report them. Important corrections may be rewarded with bonus points. Active participation in lectures is welcomed and encouraged.

Books, on-line resources, specialization courses will be referenced throughout the lectures - their list is typically at the last slide.

Lecture plan

Date Week Content Alternative lecture video from AI@Berkeley
20.02.2023 Intro BBB recording (21/22) 02_search BBB recording (21/22) 1 Rules of the game (grading, assignments, etc.). Cybernetics and AI - very short intro. 01_intro.pdf Solving problems by search. Completeness, Optimality, Complexity. DFS, BFS. 02_search.pdf, 02_search_live_withnotes.pdf Uninformed search
27.02.2023 03_search BBB recording (21/22) 2 Solving problems by search. How to avoid looping forever and how to go faster to the goal. Informed search. Heuristics. A*. 03_search.pdf 03_search_live_withnotes.pdf Informed search
06.03.2023 BBB recording 3 Two player-games. Adversarial search - Search when playing against a (rational) opponent. 04_adversarial.pdf 04_adversarial_live_withnotes.pdf. Adversarial search
13.03.2023 BBB recording 4 Probability and statistics - the required minimum. 045_probability.pdf 045_probability_handout_notes.pdf Probability
20.03.2023 BBB recording 5 Games with random elements, multi-player games. Expectimax. Utilities. 05_expectimax.pdf 05_expectimax_handout_notes.pdf Uncertainty and utilities
27.03.2023 BBB recording 6 Decision-making under uncertainty I. Route to goal when action outcome is probabilistic. Value iteration. 06_mdp.pdf 06_mdp_handout_notes.pdf Markov Decision Processes
03.04.2023 BBB recording 7 Decision-making under uncertainty II. Policy iteration. 07_mdp.pdf 07_mdp_handout_notes.pdf Markov Decision Processes II
10.04.2023 Holiday - Easter Monday
17.04.2023 BBB recording 9 Reinforcement learning I. What if nothing is known about the probability of action outcomes and we have to learn from final success or failure? 08_rl.pdf 08_rl_handout_notes.pdf Reinforcement learning
24.04.2023 BBB recording 10 Reinforcement learning II. Exploration vs. exploitation. 09_rl.pdf 09_rl_handout_notes.pdf Reinforcement learning II
01.05.2023 11 National holiday. Lecture moved to Thursday!
04.05.2023 Thursday! 11 Mid-term exam from topics covered up to now. Inspiration: quizzes.
08.05.2023 12 National holiday. Lecture moved to Tuesday!
09.05.2023 Tuesday! BBB recording + Correction to the recorded lecture 12 Bayesian classification and decisions. 10_bayes.pdf 10_bayes_handout_notes.pdf
15.05.2023 BBB recording 13 Learning from data I. Naive Bayes classifier. Nearest neighbors. Evaluating classifier performance. 11_recog_a.pdf 11_recog_a_handout_notes.pdf Naive Bayes, ROC curve, video by Andrew Ng, Kernels and Clustering - the nearest neighbors part
22.05.2023 BBB recording 14 Learning from data II. Linear classifiers. 11_recog_b.pdf 11_recog_b_handout_notes.pdf Perceptrons and Logistic Regression - the logistic regression part
courses/be5b33kui/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/29 09:42 by xposik