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10 Reinforcement Learning III

  • State values during a random walk
  • Approximation minimizing least squares error (LSQ)
  • Approximative Q-learning

Exercise for bonus points

  • Calculate state values during a random walk policy
  • 0.5 points
  • submit your solution to BRUTE lab10quiz by May 04, midnight
  • format: text file, photo of your solution on paper, pdf - what is convenient for you
  • solution will be discussed on the next lab
  • Students with their family name starting from A to K (included) have to solve and upload subject A , while students with family name from L to Z have to solve and upload subject B.

Exercise II / Solving together during interactive lab

  • Approximation minimizing least squares error (LSQ)
  • Approximative Q-learning
courses/be5b33kui/labs/weekly/week_10.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/04 16:08 by gamafili