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Lab exercises

19.09. 1. S Successful applications of EAs (lecture in the time of lab exercise)
26.09. 2. L LS for binary representation. /Marek Obitko: Genetic Algorithms Tutorial
03.10. 3. S LS for real-number representation, 1/5 rule.
10.10. 4. L EA for binary/real/permutation representation. HW1 assignment.
17.10. 5. S How to present results reasonably. Work on HW1 + consultations.
24.10. 6. L Consultations. The deadline for HW1 follows on Sunday.
31.10. 7. S Implementation of multi-objective EA.
07.11. 8. L Implementation of constraints-related techniques. HW2 assignment.
14.11. 9. S Introduction to topics for semestral tasks.
21.11. 10. L Genetic programming - practical example. The deadline for HW2 follows on Sunday.
28.11. 11. S Work on semestral tasks, consultations.
05.12. 12. L Work on semestral tasks, consultations.
12.12. 13. S Work on semestral tasks, consultations. The deadline for semestral task follows.
09.01. 14. L Presentations
  • Homeworks - exercise the methods from lectures on simple examples.
  • Semestral tasks - solve a more complex, or real-world problem using evolutionary methods.
courses/a0m33eoa/labs/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/31 17:55 by xposik