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Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

Prisoner's dilemma (PD) and its iterated variant (IPD) is a well-known problem in game theory. The goal of this project is to create and compare optimization algorithms that find a good player for a particular IPD problem instance.

An IPD problem instance is given by

  • the payoff matrix and
  • the number of iterations.

Payoff Matrix (PM)

The payoff matrix must be set up such that the game is fair for both players. For 4 positive numbers a, b, c, and d, the matrix has the following form:

P2 plays
0 1
P1 plays 0 (A,A) (B,C)
1 (C,B) (D,D)

where in each pair (r1, r2) denotes the rewards for player 1 and player 2, respectively.

Depending on relations among A, B, C, and D, the payoff matrix may be set up in such a way that

  • there is a proper dilemma,
  • no dilemma is present,
  • there is no dominant strategy,
  • the best strategy require the decisions of the players to alternate,
  • etc.

You should choose several interesting PM setups and try to find players for them.


There are many possible representations of the players/strategies:

  • finite state machine (that can be encoded in a binary string),
  • set of rules,
  • decision tree,
  • neural network,

The chosen representation shall be consulted with the teacher.


IPD is a two-player game. To evaluate the quality of a player is thus possible only by playing games against other players, i.e., the quality of a player depends on the set of chosen opponents. The choice of this reference set is up to you, it may be

  • a static set of predefined players,
  • the other players in population,
  • a combination of the above options, …

The goal is to *maximize the sum of rewards across all played IPD games*.

Interesting questions

In no particular order:

  • What is the strategy used by the best player for individual PM setups?
  • How does the initialization affect the resulting best player? What if we seed the population with a specified number of copies of known strategies?
  • Is it possible to evolve a player, that plays well for any setup of PM?
  • Is it possible to evolve a player, that plays well against any opponent?

Take these questions as an inspiration of what you can study in your project.

courses/a0m33eoa/semestral_tasks/pd/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/05 14:10 by xposik