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Ing. František Vacek


Professional experience

Author of three generations of software for orienteering competitions organization and evaluation. The last incarnation is Quick Event/Box.

Author of software to construct and sell plastic windows.

BlackBerry Qt and development environment expert.

Software technology leader at Elektroline a.s. for which he created silicon-heaven process control communication infrastructure and develops it as open-source project with the company provided team. Systems based on this technology control tramway yerds in Australia, Belgium etc. System is composed from Debian/Linux based servers, BegleBone Blacks running Debian/Linux, embedded MCU based systems and PLCs for SIL3 safety level. See the references https://www.elektroline.cz/references.php.


Negotiate by e-mail.

courses/b35apo/teacher/vacek/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/30 09:43 (external edit)