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The homeworks should be put into the upload system: https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/.

HW Points Assignment Date Deadline
hw01c - lab02 basic program 5b 29.09.2021 13.10.2021
hw02c - lab03 basic embedded platform 5b 13.10.2021 27.10.2021
hw03c - lab06 advanced embedded platform 10b 28.10.2021 11.11.2021
hw04c - lab07 multithreading 10b 24.11.2021 8.12.2021
hw05c_-_ lab08 controlling LCD from PC 10b 08.12.2021 22.12.2021
lab10 project 20b 08.12.2021 04.01.2022
Total points for homeworks 60b
courses/be5b99cpl/hw/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/09 14:55 by rozsyzde