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HW 02 - First program on embedded platform

The result of this homework is a file with code (main.c - file name is important) for the embedded platform (not for PC) which allows communication between the board and the computer. Please do not upload the whole project.

You will write code for a single program that will listen for user commands, and then act on these commands, which builds upon lab 4. HINT: It might be useful to make use of the timeout (variable set to 360000 in the lab code).

  • The user can send a command to turn the LED On
  • The user can send a command to turn the LED off
  • the user can send a command to toggle the led on/off
  • The user can send a command to make the LED blink until the user sends a new command
  • EXTRA: The user can send a command that will make the LED blink like above, but slowly get faster
  • EXTRA: The user can send a command that will make the LED blink like above, but slowly get slower
  • EXTRA: When the user sends an unrecognised command, the board will reply with a list of possible commands
  • The source code should be commented, including a list of possible commands and what they do
courses/be5b99cpl/hw/hw02c_-_lab03.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/20 12:45 by brouggeo