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  1. Introduction. Computer organization, representation of numbers. mam-lec01.pdf
  2. ARM intro. mam-lec02.pdf
  3. Peripherals: GPIO, clock. mam-lec03.pdf
  4. Peripherals: SysTick, itenterrupt mam-lec04.pdf
  5. Peripherals: External interrupt, dynamic display
  6. Peripherals: ADC and DMA
  7. Peripherals: USART
  8. Peripherals: SPI and I2C
  9. Peripherals: PWM
  10. Communication buses: RS485, Modbus, One-wire
  11. Inter-processor communication
  12. Realtime and parallel systems
courses/be2m37mam/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/14 12:17 by viteks