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1. Introduction

  • Topics: Computer organization, representation of numbers
  • Slides: pdf (to be updated)

2. Python basics

3. Raspbery Pi Pico

  • Topics: Raspbery Pi Pico, RP2040, MicroPython
  • Slides: pdf
  • Recording: video

4. Serial communication buses

5. Internal and external peripheries

  • Topics: timers, keypad, display
  • Slides: pdf
  • Simulations: PWM, keypad, display
  • Task 1
    • combine the display and keypad so that the display shows the number pressed on the keypad.
    • advanced version: cooker clock - select number 1-9 on keypad, press # and display will count time in minutes down to 0

6. Low level access to registers

7. Multiprocessing, threads

8. Concurent programming

9. Programmable Input/Output

courses/be2m37mam/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/03 09:48 by viteks