
Task ID Points Bonus Points Assignment Due date 1)
Robot locomotion, sensing, and planning (15 + 5 pts)
T1a-ctrl 3 Open-loop locomotion control 06. 10. 2023
T1b-react 3 Reactive obstacle avoidance 13. 10. 2023
T1c-plan 3 Grid based path planning 20. 10. 2023
T1d-map 3 Map building 27. 10. 2023
T1e-expl 3 Robotic information gathering - mobile robot exploration 17. 11. 2023
T1x-dstar 5 Incremental path planning (D* Lite) 11. 01. 2024
Multi-goal planning (10 pts)
T2a-tspn 3 Multi-goal planning and data collection path planning - TSP-like formulations 24. 11. 2023
T2b-dspn 7 Data collection path planning with curvature-constrained trajectory - Dubins TSP with Neighborhoods (DTSPN) - decoupled approach 01. 12. 2023
Randomized sampling-based planning (15 pts)
T3a-sampl 3 Randomized sampling-based algorithms 08. 12. 2023
T3b-rrt 7 Asymptotically optimal sampling-based motion planning 15. 12. 2023
T3c-risk 5 Risk-aware planning 22. 12. 2023
Reinforcement learning (5 + 5 pts)
T4a-rl 5 Reinforcement learning on an inchworm robot 11. 01. 2024
T4b-inchworm 5 Deployment of reinforcement learning on a real robot 11. 01. 2024

Sum points: 45; Bonus points: 10

Total max points: 55

All homeworks must be submitted and pass the evaluation. (details below)

The final hard deadline for all homeworks is 11.1.2024 @ 23:59 PST.

Penalty for late submission of the tasks

Penalty for late submission of the task is set to 0.5 points per 3 days (72h). Points are subtracted until the successful submission of the tasks, i.e., until the BRUTE system does not assign at least 0.1 points from the task. Hence it can happen that the overall task score will be negative.

With the exception of the final hard deadline, all task due dates are 23:59 PST
courses/uir/hw/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 21:09 by pragrmi1