
Classification is according to Studijní a zkušební řád pro studenty ČVUT.

The course is concluded by ungraded assessment credit and exam.

Grade Points Evaluation
A <90, 100> Excellent
B <80, 90) Very Good
C <70, 80) Good
D <60, 70) Satisfactory
E <50, 60) Sufficient
F <0, 50) Fail

Points can be collected from the following categories: task (labs and homeworks), test, exam test, and exam.

Category Maximum points Required minimum points
Tasks 45 30
Bonus tasks 10 -
Project 30 10
Exam test 20 10
Sum 105 50 1)

30 points from the homeworks have to be gained for the ungraded assessment credit.

All homeworks must be submitted and pass the evaluation.

For E, at least 50 points have to be collected.
courses/uir/classification/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 20:16 by pragrmi1