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Podklady pro cvičení_stopky - Skalický
Podklady pro cvičení_USART - Skalický
Datasheet STM32F401
Referenční manuál STM32F401
Datasheet Nucleo F401RE
Podklady pro Nucleo STM32F401
USART dva GPIO piny, které slouží jako vysílací (Tx) a přijímací (Rx). Kromě standardního nastavení je třeba nastavit mód příslušných GPIO pinů jako alternativní funkce.
alternativní funkce
void gpio_init (void) { setbit(RCC->AHB1ENR, 0); // Enable AHB1 clock setbit(GPIOA->MODER, 5); // PA2 alternate function, setbit(GPIOA->MODER, 7); // PA3 alternate function GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 0x0700; // alternate function, PA2 will be USART2_TX GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 0x7000; // alternate function, PA3 will be USART2_RX // see p. 45 of STM32F401xE datasheet }
/* * USART2 init * USART2 is connected to APB1 bus * USART2 uses PA2 as TX and PA3 as RX */ void usart_init (void) { setbit(RCC->APB1ENR, 17); // Enable APB1 clock setbit(USART2->CR1, 13); // Enable USART2 setbit(USART2->CR1, 2); // USART2 - enable receive setbit(USART2->CR1, 3); // USART2 - enable transmit USART2->BRR = (104 << 4); // USART2 baudrate, first 4 bits are dedicated to fraction /* * STM32F401 default clock is 16MHz HSI * BRR ~ fclk/(8*(OVER8-2)*baudrate) * OVER8 reset state is 0 * see p. 514 of STM32F401 reference manual * baudrate: 9600 */ }
void usart_tx (unsigned char ch) { // wait till transmit register is empty 7th bit of SR while (!readbit(USART2->SR, 7)); USART2->DR = ch; }
int usart_rx (unsigned char *x) { // read from DR while receive register is not empty - 5th bit of SR if (getbit(USART2->SR, 5)) { *x = USART2->DR; return 1; } return 0; }
int main(void) { char mess[20]; char a; int i = 0; gpio_init(); usart_init(); while (1) { if (usart_rx (&a)) { if (a != '\r' && a != '\n') mess[i++] = a; else { send_string(mess, i); i = 0; } } } }
// ******************* // main.h #define bufferSizeMask 0x3F // 63 #define bufferSize 64 enum bufferStatus_e { BUFFER_WAIT, BUFFER_SEND, BUFFER_SENDING }; typedef struct { uint8_t buffer[bufferSize]; uint8_t head; uint8_t tail; enum bufferStatus_e status; }circularBuffer_t; // ******************* // main.c void copyBuffers(circularBuffer_t *d, circularBuffer_t *s){ while(s->tail != s->head){ d->buffer[d->head++] = s->buffer[s->tail++]; d->head &= bufferSizeMask; s->tail &= bufferSizeMask; } } void USART2_sendBuffer(circularBuffer_t *b){ while(b->tail != b->head){ while(!(USART2->SR & USART_SR_TXE)); USART2->DR = b->buffer[b->tail++]; b->tail &= bufferSizeMask; } }