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Social Human-Robot Interaction

We will work with the Choregraphe program.

You need to install Choregraphe version 2.5 found in the section `Old: Choregraphe'. Newer versions work on a very different platform.
Choregraphe is installed in the Docker already. Just run 'choregraphe' in the terminal
Linux: If you have installed the Choregraphe on your computer and you get ZLIB error (or you can see nothing after you run Choregraphe) use this command cd /opt/Aldebaran/lib (this path may be different) && mv libz.so.1 libz.so.1.old && ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1

Installation on lab computers

  1. extract somewhere in your home (tar -xvf choregraphe-suite-
  2. go to extraction_path/choregraphe-suite- and run 'mv libz.so.1 libz.so.1.old && ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1'
  3. go to extraction_path/choregraphe-suite- and run './choregraphe'


This task should teach you:

  • Control a “user-friendly” virtual humanoid robot
  • Design a human-friendly social interaction

Social HRI Intro 2024/04/30

Choregraphe tutorial

Tasks in tutorial:

  • Have Choregraphe 2.5 installed
  • We introduce the functions

We will see a demonstration of our “CTU Demo” with Pepper.

Task 1 With a connected virtual robot:

  • Study the Pepper autonomous life behavior (you can see them also in the simulation but also make notes when you see the robot live).
  • Identify atomic actions Pepper does during idle movement and also from the Pepper available actions in Choregraphe. Study the following (advice, not in autonomous life regime) and notice the subtle movements:
    • GoToStance_Question movements
    • LittleBowAndSpreadArms
    • FancyRightArmCircle
    • (Atomic actions during a short human to human interaction)
  • You can have a look at the Pepper programming guide PDF for style guidance and official documentation for programming tips

* Start working on the final assignment

Social HRI Movement Programming

Task 2

  • Create your own timeline supporting a dialogue for the robot:
    • Create a movement timeline for the robot while it is presenting something or someone to a person (20s minimum) OR improve the HRI of the video seen during the course (the interval 15 to 35s of the video) video.
    • Implement the movement and also the accompanying dialogue.
    • Experiment with the example dialog available in Choregraphe (especially notice commands like ^start(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_1) or ^gotoReactivate(howAreYou)).
    • Explain what makes the created behaviors human-like or what diminishes their human-likeness.
    • Submit the Choreographe project and your explanation (as a PDF).
    • Discuss what behavior and features of Pepper make it look human-like

Best movements from the exercise will be demonstrated in class on the live robot the following week.

What to expect on the exam

courses/hro/tutorials/6socialrobotics.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 10:44 by khourjas