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Machine Learning - Symbol Classification [Recognition] (last assignment p1)

The machine learning task has two parts - symbol classification and determination of the optimal classifier parameter. Check the Upload system for the due date and notice that both tasks are submitted separately. It is expected that the classifiers will be implemented by students, usage of advanced pattern recognition libraries is forbidden. If unsure, ask the TA.

Data provided by Eyedea Recognition, some data are from public resources.


The task is to design a classifier / character recognition program. The input is a small grayscale image of one handwritten character - a letter or number - the output is a class decision, i.e. the recognition of the character in the image.

You are given training data, a set of images with the information on the correct classification. This is usually all that the customer provides. After you prepare the code, the customer, in this case represented by the instructor, will use different test data on which to evaluate your work. We recommend dividing the provided data into a training and test set.

Your resulting code will be tested on the new data within the AE system.


The images are in the png format in one folder, where we also provide the file truth.dsv (dsv format). The file names are not related to the file content. The file truth.dsv has on each line file_name.png:character, e.g. img_3124.png:A. The separator character is :, which is never in the name of the file. The names of the files contain only characters, numbers or underscores (_).

Interface specification

Implement k-NN and Naive Bayes classifiers. The main code will be in classifier.py

>> python3.8 classifier.py -h
usage: classifier.py [-h] (-k K | -b) [-o filepath] train_path test_path

Learn and classify image data.

positional arguments:
  train_path   path to the training data directory
  test_path    path to the testing data directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -k K         run k-NN classifier (if k is 0 the code may decide about proper K by itself
  -b           run Naive Bayes classifier
  -o filepath  path (including the filename) of the output .dsv file with the results
python3 classifier.py -k 3 -o classification.dsv ./train_data ./test_data 
runs 3-NN training and testing (classification) classifier and saves the data as classification.dsv. The saved data must be of the same format as truth.dsv.

The classifier creates file classification.dsv (with the same format as truth.dsv) in the test data directory.

Solution structure

If you are not sure how to solve this task, we offer the following tips. Your solution will probably use the following partial steps:

Examples of use

Automatic text localization from pictures. More information available at  [[http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~zimmerk/lpd/index.html|http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~zimmerk/lpd/index.html]].

Fig. 3: Automatic text localization from pictures. More information available at http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~zimmerk/lpd/index.html.

Industry application for license plate recognition. Videos are available at  http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/courses/X33KUI/Videos/RP_recognition.

Fig. 4: Industry application for license plate recognition. Videos are available at http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/courses/X33KUI/Videos/RP_recognition.


Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer Science+Bussiness Media, New York, NY, 2006.

T.M. Cover and P.E. Hart. Nearest neighbor pattern classification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 13(1):21–27, January 1967.

Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork. Pattern classification. Wiley Interscience Publication. John Wiley, New York, 2nd edition, 2001.

Vojtěch Franc and Václav Hlaváč. Statistical pattern recognition toolbox for Matlab. Research Report CTU–CMP–2004–08, Center for Machine Perception, K13133 FEE. Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2004. http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/software/stprtool/index.html.

Michail I. Schlesinger and Václav Hlaváč. Ten Lectures on Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002.

Symbol classification - Evaluation

Automated Evaluation (AE) will only check if your code works well and show you the correctly classified ratio on the small AE dataset. However, the actual points will be awarded in a later (“tournament”) run on a large dataset.
  • Closest neighbor classifier (1-NN) is evaluated according to the table below. [0–3 points]
  • The Naive Bayes classifier follows also the table below: [0–5 points]
  • Auto-evaluation: [0–1 points]
  • Code quality: [0–1 points]
correctly classified points
>95% 3
>80% 2
>60% 1
=<60% 0
Naive Bayes classifier
correctly classified points
>82% 5
>75% 4
>70% 3
>65% 2
>60% 1
>55% 0.5
=<55% 0
courses/be5b33kui/labs/machine_learning/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/23 09:29 by gamafili