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  • Tuesdays, 12:45-14:15, KN:E-301
  • Lecturers: Petr Pošík (PP), Radek Mařík (RM)

List of competencies you should have after individual lectures. (Will be updated continuously.)

The order of lectures is subject to change.
The PDFs are from previous years. They will be updated during the semester.

Regular lectures

Date W# Who Contents Materials
18.02. 1 PP AI, PR, learning and robotics. Decision tasks. Empirical learning. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-02-26)
25.02. 2 PP Linear methods for classification and regression. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-03-03)
03.03. 3 PP Non-linear models. Feature space straightening. Overfitting. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-03-03)

Lectures suspended

From March 10 to at least March 22, the teaching is suspended due to coronavirus disease.

Online lectures

Starting from March 23, the following lectures will be given online via BigBlueButton feature in BRUTE. The lectures will be held in the standard time, Tuesdays 12:45-14:15. Students will find a link to the video conference in BRUTE several minutes before the lecture starts, and they will receive an email with the invitation to join the lecture.

Date W# Who Contents Materials
10.03. 24.3. 4 RM Nearest neighbors. Kernel functions, SVM. Decision trees. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-03-17) Self-study
17.03. 31.3. 5 PP Bagging. Adaboost. Random forests. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-03-31) Self-study
24.03. 7.4. 6 PP Neural networks. Basic models and methods, error backpropagation. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-05-01)
31.03. 14.4. 7 PP Deep learning. Convolutional and recurrent NNs. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-04-14)
07.04. 21.4. 8 PP Probabilistic graphical models. Bayesian networks. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-04-20)
14.04. 28.4. 9 PP Hidden Markov models. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-05-02)
21.04. 5.5. 10 No lecture. Schedule as on Friday.
28.04. 12.5. 11 PP Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Slides. Handouts. (Upd. 2020-05-15)
05.05. 19.5. 12 RM Planning. Planning problem representations. Planning methods. Handouts
12.05. 26.5. 13 RM Constraint satisfaction problems. Handouts
19.05. 2.6. 14 RM Scheduling. Local search. Handouts
courses/ui/lectures.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/15 18:59 by xposik