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Lab exercises

Instructors: Petr Pošík, Jiří Spilka

  • Czech labs: Tuesdays, 14:30-16:00, room KN:E-132
  • English lab: Tuesdays, 16:15-17:45, room KN:E-132

Work in progress, update for the upcoming semester.

Regular labs

The column Deadlines is just for an overall picture. The actual deadlines are always in BRUTE.

Date W# Contents Link Deadlines Note
18.02. 1 Course organization. Intro to Python/ML Intro -
25.02. 2 Bayesian and non-bayesian decision tasks ML 1 -
03.03. 3 Linear regression ML 2 - (02.03.2020 - upt. dataset)

Teaching suspended

From March 10 to March 22, the teaching was completely suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. From March 23, we started a distant form of teaching (online lectures and labs).

Online labs

Date W# Contents Link Deadlines Note
10.03. 24.3. 4 Sem. task 1a and 1b. Logistic regression, basis expansion. ML 3 Last week for ML 2+3 24.3. Upt. quality score for ST1 spam, cf. task description
17.03. 31.3. 5 Model evaluation and diagnostics ML 4 -
24.03. 7.4. 6 Decision trees and ensemble models ML 5 Last week for ML 4+5
31.03. 14.4. 7 Neural networks ML 6 Last week for ML 6 14.04. ST1 report checklist
07.04. 21.4. 8 Semestral task 2. Bayesian networks PM 1 Last week for ST1
14.04. 28.4. 9 Hidden Markov Models 1 PM 2 -
21.04. 5.5. 10 Schedule as on Friday
28.04. 12.5. 11 Hidden Markov Models 2 PM 3 Last week for PM 2+3
05.05. 19.5. 12 Hierarchical Task Net (HTN) Planning HTN Last week for HTN, last week for ST2
12.05. 26.5. 13 Constraint satisfaction problems CSP Last week for CSP
19.05. 2.6. 14 Scheduling CPM Last week for CPM
courses/ui/exercises/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/14 15:09 by spilkjir