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Lecture Date Lecturer Topics Slides References
1 17.2. JK Intro, sample bioinformatics tasks. intro
2 24.2. JK Biological sequence alignment. alignment, linear space Durbin's book, ch 2,6
3 2.3. PR BLAST algorithm and its modifications. multi align, BLAST Altschul97
4 9.3. JK Sequencing algorithms, fragment assembly. assembly Nagarajan13, Compeau11
5 16.3. JK Phylogenetic trees, hierarchical clustering. phylogeny,dist_based Durbin's book, ch 7
6 23.3. JK Phylogenetic trees, parsimony and probabilistic methods. parsimony, probablistic Durbin's book, ch 8
7 30.3. JK Markov models. Markov chains Durbin's book, ch 3
8 6.4. JK Markov models of genomic sequences, gene finidng, profile HMMs. HMM,applications Burge97
- 13.4. - Easter Monday
9 20.4. JK High-throughput data analysis, marker detection, predictive modeling. microarray, DeSEQ Goeman07
10 27.4. JK RNA secondary structure prediction RNA secondary Eddy04, Durbin's book, ch 9,10
11 4.5. JK Modeling of higher protein structures, protein databases. Protein structure prediction, Threading Dill12, Rost98, Lathorp96
12 11.5. JK Gene ontology, gene/protein function prediction. gfp-intro.pdf Ashburner00, GOingStrong19
13 18.5. JK Network inference and modeling. Network inference Sachs05
courses/bin/program.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/11 19:06 by klema