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Multiagent Systems (BE4M36MAS) Winter 2019/2020

The course provides an introduction to concepts, models and algorithms for autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. The first part of the course introduces single-agent models and control architectures; the second, more extensive part explains key multiagent models and algorithms, both for cooperative and non-cooperative multiagent settings. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand main multi-agent concepts, be able to map real-world multi-agent problems to multiagent formal models and apply algorithmic techniques to solve them.

General Information


Both the course assessment and exam are required to pass the course. The final grade (A..F) will be determined by the sum of points obtained from the assessment and exam (<50 = F, 50-59 pts = E, …, 90-100 pts = A).


Minimum of 20 pts is required from three course miniprojects (out of maximum 40 pts)

  • 1st course miniproject (agent programming): max grading: 11 pts., due: 04.11.2019 4:00 CET
  • 2nd course miniproject (game theory): max grading: 17 pts., Game tree: 27.11.2019 4:00 CET, LP: TBA
  • 3rd course miniproject (cooperative game theory): max grading: 12 pts., due: TBA

The penalty for submitting the homework assignment after the deadline, but no later than 24 hours after the deadline, is 20% of the points.

The penalty for submitting the homework assignment later than 24 hours after the deadline is 100% of the points.


Minimum of 30 pts is required from the exam (out of maximum 60 pts).

  • The exam comprises a written part accompanied with a brief oral part.
  • Exam topics correspond to the topics covered by lecture slides
  • Course assessment is required prior to attending an exam

Exam from the last years: PDF


(subject to permutation)

Date Topic Lecturer Resources Old Resources
24 Sept Introduction to multi-agent systems Pechoucek mas2018-l01.pdf 1 2
01 Oct Agent Architectures. Belief-Desire-Intention architecture Jakob Agent Architectures + BDI
08 Oct Introduction to Game Theory Bošanský gt_intro_2019.pdf 3
15 Oct Solving Normal-form Games Bošanský nfg_2019.pdf nfg 4
22 Oct Games in Extensive Form Bošanský efg_2019.pdf efg_2018 5 efg_2017
29 Oct Solving Extensive-Form Games Bošanský solving_efg_2019.pdf solving_efg_2018.pdf solving_efg_2017 6
5 Nov Other Game Representations Bošanský beyond_2019.pdf beyond_2018.pdf beyond_2017 7
12 Nov Distributed constraint reasoning 1 (DCSP) Bošanský dcsp_2018.pdf 9
19 Nov Distributed constraint reasoning 2 (DCOP) Jakob mas2019-l09-distributed_constraint_reasoning_2-fixed 10
26 Nov Cooperative Game Theory Kroupa mas2018-cooperative_game_theory.pdf cooperative_games
3 Dec Cooperative Game Theory 2 Kroupa
10 Dec Social Choice, Voting Bošanský Computational Social Choice
17 Dec Resource allocation, Auctions Bošanský mas2018-l12-auctions.pdf 12
7 Jan Multiagent Simulations Jakob 14


Date Topic Lecturer Resources Old resources
24 Sept Introduction, Overview of the course Tomášek, Horák architectures.pdf Wumpus' World (solutions)
01 Oct Agent architectures, Belief-Desire-Intention Tomášek, Horák bdi.pdf bdi.pdf miner.asl
08 Oct Cooperation of Reactive Agents, Assignment 1 Tomášek, Horák miners.pdf advjason.pdf assignment from previous run
15 Oct Normal-Form Games Hilario, Šustr, Seitz s_cv_nfg_2019.pdf cv_nfg_2018.pdf nfg_cermak_2017.pdf nfg.pdf
22 Oct Extensive-Form Games Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_efg_2019.pdf cv_efg_2018.pdf cv_nfg_2017.pdf efg_intro.pdf
29 Oct Solving Extensive-Form Games Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_solving_efg_2019_2.pdf cv_nfg_efg_2017 efg_solving.pdf
5 Nov Solving Extensive-Form Games 2 Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_solving2_efg_2019.pdf cv_solving_efg_2017 efg_solving.pdf
12 Nov Other Game Representations Hilario, Šustr, Seitz beyond_2019_lab.pdf cv_efg_and_beyond_2018.pdf cv_efg_and_beyond se_and_learning.pdf
19 Nov Distributed constraint satisfaction (DCSP) Hilario, Šustr, Seitz dcsp_2019.pdf dcsp_2019_exercise.pdf dcsp.pdf
26 Nov Cooperative Game Theory Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_coop cv_coop.pdf
3 Dec Cooperative Game Theory Hilario, Šustr, Seitz
10 Dec Social Choice, Voting Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_voting.pdf
17 Dec Resource Allocation, Auctions Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_resource.pdf auctions_tree.ps cv_auctions_2017.pdf cv_auctions.pdf
7 Jan Recap Hilario, Šustr, Seitz cv_overview.pdf

Reading Resources

  • [Shoham] Shoham, Y. and Leyton-Brown, K.: Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations, Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN 9780521899437.
    • relevant chapters available on-request from Michal Jakob
  • [AIMA] Russel, S. a Norvig, P.: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd edition), Prentice Hall, 2003
    • relevant chapters available by e-mail request from Michal Jakob
  • [Wooldridge] Wooldridge, M.: An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2002, ISBN 0-471-49691-X.
    • relevant chapters available by e-mail request from Michal Jakob

Tutorial Resources

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courses/be4m36mas/start.1574158300.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/19 11:11 by jakobmic