Timetable at FEE Students of ePAL Upload system BRUTE Discussion board
Introduction and repetitions
Upload system
Training homework problem
Problem statement and public data
First homework problem
Minimum Spanning Tree with Optimal A-B Connection public data
Exam topics
Second homework problem
Blue Promenades
Kreher, Stinson: Combinatorial Algorithms, notes:
Third homework problem
Isomorphism of Tree-Cycle Graphs
Fourth homework problem
Intermediate Words
Primes and pseudorandom numbers – Example problems .
Fifth homework problem
String Factorization
Sixth homework problem
Exam topics 2-3-4 trees and B+ trees. Asymptotic complexity of particular search tree operations.
Exam topics KD trees, search for Nearest Neighbour in 2D.
In preparation
In preparation * Radix trie, Patricia trie, segment tree.
Exam topics * Radix trie, Patricia trie, segment tree.