
Topic questions at the exam:DsaQuestionsEN

Week Date Lecturer Lecture Topic Educational Documents
1 25.09.2024 - No lecture in this week
2 02.10.2024 RM Introduction to complex networks. Overview
3 09.10.2024 RM Fundamental characteristics of networks and models of random graphs. P02Handouts
4 16.10.2024 RM Network properties P03Handouts
5 23.10.2024 RM Network structure identification P04Handouts
6 30.10.2024 RM Community detection P05CommunityDetection.pdf
7 06.11.2024 RM Ties prediction and network inference P06.NetworkInference.pdf
8 13.11.2024 RM Specification system Alloy P07.Alloy.pdf
9 20.11.2024 RM Verification system UPPAAL UPPAAL.pdf
10 27.11.2024 RM Protocol verification ProtocolVerification.pdf
11 04.12.2024 RM Finite state machines testing FsmCheckingSequence.pdf
12 11.12.2024 RM Checking sequences of finite state machines FsmSequences.pdf
13 18.12.2024 RM Finite state machine behavior learning FsmLearning
14 08.01.2025 RM Network dynamics and dynamic network processes P07.NetworkDynamics.pdf

| 15 | 10.01.2025 | RM | Multilayer Network Diagnostics | P14.MultilayerDiagnostics.pdf |

courses/be2m32dsaa/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 23:24 by marikr