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BE2M32DSAA – Network Application Diagnostics


The first part of the course deals with complex network structures, their characteristics identification, with recognition of both structural static and dynamic patterns, and anomaly detection. The second part of the course is focused on specification methods of static and dynamic behavior and their verification. The use of the methods is demonstrated on examples dealing with network application issues. The special treatment is dedicated not only to network and cloud applications, but also to possibilities of diagnostic process automation. The students gain sufficient skills in seminars where they solve practical problems in digital network domain.

Subject Goals

The course introduces mathematical, theoretical, and practical foundations required for solving of diagnostic system problems that can be modeled using complex network structures.

Course Organization

  • Compulsory optional subject.
  • The course ends with a credit and a exam.
  • Completion of the course is evaluated by 6 credits.
  • Credits correspond to 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of laboratories and approximately 4 hours of homework each week.

Credit conditions

  • Submission of assignments from all exercises.
  • Attendance at seminars is mandatory. Absence is only allowed in well-justified cases. More than 3 excused absences must be solved by requesting and assigning a special task.
  • For each submitted task you can get the maximum number of points according to the table of exercises. 25% of the points from the task are devoted to the evaluation of the typographic arrangement of the report (readability and clarity are key, not decoration).
    • Late submission of tasks: solutions submitted late can be penalized 2 to 4 points for each started week of delay (see Brute system for details).
  • Points obtained from solving problems from the semester make up 40% of the total evaluation - a total of 100 points with an exam.

Final grade and course of the exam

  • The exam consists of two written parts and one oral part. Each part lasts 1 hour.
    • The first part contains 2 examples, which are simplified random modifications of variants of assignments solved in seminars. It is possible to use the brought preparations and laptops for solving examples. It is possible to access the internet. However, it is not allowed to communicate with anyone. A maximum of 12 points can be obtained for solving each problem. Total points, i.e. a maximum of 24 points, are included in the evaluation of the exam.
      • We do not currently provide sample test cases.
    • The second part contains 4 questions according to the listed topics at the end of each lecture. This part can only be written with paper, pen, pencil and your head. Other tools are not allowed. A maximum of 6 points can be obtained for each answer. Total points, i.e. a maximum of 24 points, are included in the evaluation of the exam.
      • During the lectures in the semester, a list of skills/topics will be prepared, which will serve as a list of possible test questions.
  • Points from solving problems (with the exception of bonuses) from the semester make up a maximum of 40% of the points obtained from the course, i.e. the points obtained from the semester are transferred 1: 1 to the final scoring during the exam.
  • A maximum of a further 12 points may be awarded for defending written parts or answering additional questions during an oral examination. In other words, the oral exam is performed in order to demonstrate that the student understands the issue and not just mechanically applies the procedures.
  • The final grade from the exam is awarded according to the valid CTU scale with respect to the maximum number of 100 points.
  • It is necessary to obtain at least 20 points (50%) from the semester for solving problems, also the sum of points for parts must be at least 24 points (50%). To pass the exam, it is necessary to obtain a total of at least 50 points (50% according to CTU regulations).

CTU evaluation table:

Points > = 90 <80, 90) <70, 80) <60, 70) <50, 60) (0, 50)
Grade A B C D E F
courses/be2m32dsaa/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/01 12:34 by marikr