The submitted output of each task is a report (PDF, HTML, plain text), that contains the obvious parts, such as
The message should be as short as possible, but it must not lack anything significant. The source code solving the task is also to be submitted. Part of the point evaluation of the task is the quality of report design.
You will need Uppaal, Alloy and your favorite scripting language to generate reports. Each student / team can choose the development environment according to their skills, eg Python, Java, C ++ / C, Ruby, PHP, C #, Lua, etc. or calculate calculations on the fingers of one hand or using a calculator. The recommended programming language is Python, for which there are a number of supporting libraries that can be used to advantage in this course. The aim of the course is not to teach you to program, but to use appropriate resources that are related to the issue. Due to the expected last year of master's studies, it is up to each team to find and decide on an effective solution (with the exception of plagiarism, of course), which will fulfill the task in the allotted time. You might also like Graphviz.
Tasks are submitted to the Upload / Brute system. The deadline for submitting an assignment is usually the following exercise. However, some tasks will be given longer time.
ATTENTION! It will be continuously updated.