Examples of monadic operations

These images are generated by the hw_monadic_ops_2.m script. They contain the image (either original or after application of the given operation), histogram of intensities of the shown image, the CDF and a lookup table derived from the transformation operation.

Original image

Original image


Negative image

Threshold (theta=0.5)

Thresholded image

Brightness (beta=-0.3)

Brightness adjusted image

Gamma correction (gamma=0.5)

Gamma corrected image

Contrast (c=2)

Contrast adjusted image

Non-linear contrast (alpha=0.7)

Non-linear contrast adjusted image

Logarithmic scale (scale=-0.5)

Log-scaled image

Quantization (q_levels=16)

Quantized image

courses/b4m33dzo/labs/1_monadic_functions/simple_monadic_examples.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/15 09:35 by skovirad