This page is located in a preparation section till 23.09.2024.

Lab exercises

date week content
25.09. 1. Successful applications of EAs (lecture in the time of lab exercise)
02.10. 2. LS for binary representation. /Marek Obitko: Genetic Algorithms Tutorial
09.10. 3. LS for real-number representation, 1/5 rule.
16.10. 4. EA for binary/real/permutation representation. HW1 assignment.
23.10. 5. How to present results reasonably. Work on HW1 + consultations.
30.10. 6. Consultations. The deadline for HW1 follows on Sunday.
06.11. 7. Implementation of multi-objective EA.
13.11. 8. Implementation of constraints-related techniques. HW2 assignment.
20.11. 9. Dean's Day. No lab.
27.11. 10. Introduction to topics for semestral tasks. Genetic programming - practical example. The deadline for HW2 follows on Sunday.
04.12. 11. Work on semestral tasks, consultations.
11.12. 12. Work on semestral tasks, consultations.
18.12. 13. Work on semestral tasks, consultations. The deadline for semestral task follows.
08.01. 14. Presentations
  • Homeworks - exercise the methods from lectures on simple examples.
  • Semestral tasks - solve a more complex, or real-world problem using evolutionary methods.
courses/a0m33eoa/labs/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/22 17:07 by xposik