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Lecture plan 2023/2024

All lectures are in KN:E-301 (K9) each Monday 9:15–10:45.

Lecture Date Contents Materials
1. 19/2 Introduction to Automated Planning / PDDL
2. 26/2 Heuristic Search Algorithms
3. 4/3 STRIPS, FDR, Delete Relaxation
4. 11/3 Heuristics $h^{\mathsf{max}}$, $h^{\mathsf{add}}$
5. 18/3 Heuristic $h^{\mathsf{ff}}$, Abstractions, Action Landmarks
6. 25/3 LM-Cut Heuristic
7. 1/4 No lecture Eastern
8. 8/4 No lecture I am not in Prague
9. 15/4 Pattern databases
10. 22/4 LP-based heuristics
11. 29/4 Stochastic shortest path
12. 6/5 Heuristics for SSP
13. 13/5 Sampling methods for SSP
14. 20/5 Summary

The lecture will be mostly organized as an old-style chalk-blackboard lecture without slides. I will try to maintain lecture notes that can be found here.

Old recorded lectures are available at PUI playlist.

courses/pui/lectures.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/20 09:08 by xhorcik