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Semestral Work

The goal of the semestral work is to learn how to combine data, information and knowledge to answer the question.


The semestral work is graded in three checkpoints:

  • checkpoint 1 (max 10 pts) – deadline to deliver 10. 10. 2021
  • checkpoint 2 (max 25 pts) – deadline to deliver 21. 11. 2021
  • checkpoint 3 (max 15 pts) – deadline to deliver 2. 1. 2022

To successfully complete the semestral project, you need to obtain at least 50% grading from each checkpoint. For completing a checkpoint you need to

  1. (by the checkpoint deadline) push the deliverable from each checkpoint to the GIT repo https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/B211_B4M36OSW/%username%
  2. (by the checkpoint deadline) upload a txt file 'cp1.txt', resp. 'cp2.txt' or 'cp3.txt' into the upload system. The file contains the hash of the GIT commit you are submitting to the checkpoint
  3. (at the next lab) defend the checkpoint.

Deadline to deliver checkpoint is the last Sunday before the tutorial on which it is defended. If you submit your checkpoint after the deadline, you will be penalized by losing 5 points for each commenced week of delay. This penalization will be used for final grading only (i.e. it will not be taken into account for passing/failing determination).


The basic goal of the semestral project is to Combine data, information and knowledge to answer non-trivial questions. Students may choose from the following questions, or create own question.

Topic Protected sites offers following questions:

  • In which areas can I move outside of the marked paths (e.g. mountain biking, ski touring etc…)?
  • What are the protected areas and their levels (monuments, nature) for specific municipalities? E.g. in a given radius or directly in the area of a municipality?
  • What is the overlap among protected sites on various levels of administrative units (Natura 2000, birds habitation areas, national arks and other protected areas)?
  • How are the conditions for development regulated by the various levels of protected areas (cultural or natural)?
  • What is the relation between the level of protection and tourism?

The topic Animal shelters is based on the natural taxonomy of animal kingdom. We offer following (and other) questions:

  • What is the nearest animal rescue station taking care of specific species?
  • Which animals living in the area are not taken care of by any animal rescue station?
  • What is the relation between the protected and unprotected sites regarding the counts of animals taken care of in the animal shelters (long time, short time)?
  • Which animal species are more endangered in municipal areas and which in wildlife?

Expected output is not only the answer, but a functional framework to get answers automatically (e.g. easily change the given municipality in the first question etc). Note that questions are not specified in a temporal or spatial extent. In the first checkpoint, based on the data sources, define the question specifically with spatial and temporal definition. It may vary a lot – e.g. comparison of protected areas overlap among two neighboring countries, or changes in legislation for protected areas during past century.

Generic Ontologies

Generic Dataset Sources

Environmental, statistical and health Datasets and Applications

In case of not finding data you would need, contact lecturer.

Sample projects from previous years

Semestral project changed for winter semester 2021/22. Therefore sample projects will not help you much.

Archive semestral-work-example-2019.zip.

Do not use them as templates for your semestral work since the rules from previous years were different.
courses/b4m36osw/semestral_work.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/22 18:09 by medmicha