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Checkpoint 3 (max 15 pts)

Deadline 2. 1. 2022


Integrate data sets and answer the question using SPARQL query.


  • prove the interconnection of data by the sample integration of various knowledge among datasets with high number of mutually interlinked resource from all the data sets, delivered as RDF file(s) or as content of your GraphDB repository,
  • design non-trivial SPARQL queries over the datasets you create, showing the integration capabilities of the integrated datasets by answering the question given in the Checkpoint 1 (include how long queries run, results and their interpretation),
  • and include them into the description (1-2 page extension of the report from Checkpoint 2). In the description also sum up the design decisions you made, the pros/cons of the ontology, description and evaluation of SPARQL queries and conclusion you make out of the semestral work.


Using the principles of ontological engineering and basing it on the Unified Foundational Ontology. Show how the ontology integrates the datasets on interesting non-trivial SPARQL queries over an OWL/RDF representation of the integrated datasets.

For the integration ontology – it may be beneficial to design the ontology into the multiple files and import them into one top level ontology.

courses/b4m36osw/cp3.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/22 11:20 by medmicha