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You will use the kuimaze2.RLProblem environment when learning the best strategy for an unknown MDP using reinforcement learning methods (reinforcement learning). It is used in the fourth compulsory task 11-RL.

Public Interface

After creating an instance of the RLProblem class (see Usage), you can use the following methods:

  • env.get_states() returns a list of all free states (instances of the State class), i.e., without walls.
  • env.get_action_space() returns a list of all actions that make sense in the given environment. The result is not dependent on the current state (which is different from the MDPProblem.get_actions(state) method).
  • env.sample_action(action_probs) randomly selects one of the possible actions. The action_probs parameter contains probabilities for individual actions (it is a dictionary where the key is the action and the value is its probability). If the distribution is not specified, it is chosen uniformly from all actions.
  • env.reset() resets the environment to the initial state. You need to call this method before each new episode (even before the first one). The method returns the initial state (State), in which the agent is located at the beginning of an episode.
  • env.step(action) performs the selected action in the environment. It returns a triplet:
    • new_state is the new state (State) that the agent got into after performing the action. If the environment is stochastic, the new state may be different from the one that would correspond to the selected action. If you execute env.step(action) from a terminal state, the new_state is None.
    • reward is the immediate reward (float) for the state-action-new_state transition.
    • episode_finished is True if the episode has already ended. Any further call to the step() method in this case will throw an exception. The environment needs to be reset before a new episode using the reset() method.
  • env.render() updates the graphical display of the environment. (If you did not turn on the graphical display when creating the environment, it does nothing.) It allows you to “color” individual states and q-states, allows you to display texts in them, allows you to display the strategy, the current state and the selected action, or the path that the agent has gone through in the environment. You can find an explanation of the individual parameters of this method in the help (help(env.render)). See also the use of env.render() in the helper method RLAgent.render() in the sample module


The RLProblem environment is created the same way as MDPProblem, but the usage is different.

Environment import:

>>> from kuimaze2 import Map, RLProblem

Creating a map to initialize the environment:

>>> MAP = "SG"
>>> map = Map.from_string(MAP)

Creating a deterministic environment with graphical display:

>>> env1 = RLProblem(map, graphics=True)

Creating a non-deterministic environment (specifying the probabilities of where the agent will actually move):

>>> env2 = RLProblem(map, action_probs=dict(forward=0.8, left=0.1, right=0.1, backward=0.0))

List of all valid states in the environment:

>>> env2.get_states()
[State(r=0, c=0), State(r=0, c=1)]

List of all actions that can be performed in some state of the environment:

>>> env2.get_action_space()
[<Action.UP: 0>, <Action.RIGHT: 1>, <Action.DOWN: 2>, <Action.LEFT: 3>]

A randomly selected action may also be useful:

>>> env2.sample_action()  # The result can be any of the possible actions.
<Action.UP: 0>

The step method attempts to perform the selected action in the environment:

>>> env2.step(env2.sample_action())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "...\kuimaze2\", line 60, in step
    raise NeedsResetError(
kuimaze2.exceptions.NeedsResetError: RLProblem: Episode terminated. You must call reset() first.
As you can see, before the first use of the step() method, you need to reset the environment.

Calling the reset() method will return the initial state of the agent for the given episode:

>>> state = env2.reset()
>>> state
State(r=0, c=0)

Now we can call the step() method:

>>> action = env2.sample_action()
>>> action
<Action.DOWN: 2>
>>> new_state, reward, episode_finished = env2.step(action)
>>> new_state
State(r=0, c=0)
>>> reward
>>> episode_finished
We tried to perform the Action.DOWN action, but we probably hit a wall, because the new state new_state is identical to the original one. We received an immediate reward of -0.04 for performing the action and we see that the episode has not ended, we can continue.

So let's try to make random steps until the episode ends:

>>> while not episode_finished:
...     action = env2.sample_action()
...     new_state, reward, episode_finished = env2.step(action)
...     print(f"{state=} {action=} {reward=} {new_state=} {episode_finished=}")
...     state = new_state
state=State(r=0, c=0) action=<Action.DOWN: 2> reward=-0.04 new_state=State(r=0, c=0) episode_finished=False
state=State(r=0, c=0) action=<Action.RIGHT: 1> reward=-0.04 new_state=State(r=0, c=1) episode_finished=False
state=State(r=0, c=1) action=<Action.UP: 0> reward=1.0 new_state=None episode_finished=True

Another call to the step() method would again throw an exception. The episode ended, we want to start a new one, so we need to call reset() again.

courses/be5b33kui/semtasks/kuimaze/30_rlproblem.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/16 14:11 by xposik